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Posts posted by Smart-Resins

  1. Looking very good there! Body is cool! Engines are looking great! Half way there. You know I have always been intruiged by this car. I have never researched it though. I have always wondered how they steered it. Meaning, did they have two brake pedals or four levers or what? Had to have been a raped ape running down the strip and a real bear turning it at the end!

  2. Kudos to him! My oldest has many disorders including autism, desrucive behavior, obsesive behavior, ADHD and a couple more I cant think of right now. With his texture thing, its anything hard! He does not like jeans. He prefers sweat pants. Does enjoy the grass and hates gravel! LOL. We can not keep him sitting still unless he is playing legos or konex or building a model. Otherwise, forget it! He is a very mechanicle boy! He has to have a cushion at school with a play ball and a small stuffed animal. Has to have grippies on his pencil. We have learned with him, the more "tools" we can give him to put him in his comfort zone, the better. There are days nothing works! Monday he was extremely obstinate. We had to drive him to school in his Pj's and make him get dressed there before he would finially calm down! But there are many days I can sit down with him and build something with him and he is perfectly fine! Its the older daughters attitude and the younger sons smart mouth that tends to get us wired! LOL. That little dio is very cool! You oughta be proud for sure!

  3. Boy, this is a tall order! I know looking at pics in the past, the rear of the frame more closly represents that of a standard FED. But I have never been able to see a front frame shot. So at any rate, the chassis work will be the tall order for you. How was the casting on the body? I will enjoy watching this one.

  4. I do wanna list one thing that was cool to me seens how I have always tried to make my old man proud of me. I seem to have failed every step of the way! With one exception that I know of. When a model I made was placed in a mag with a right up on it and that was my Airoso Bros Willys. He had always always said they were stupid toys and a waiste of money! Please note, it was my mother who got me into models! LOL. So after I proudly showed him the article, he said wow, cool. He still bothers me sometimes about them being a waiste of money, but once in a while he will be quiet about it as he knows that I did sell that model. Also, shortly after that, he bought me a Testors Porsche Carrera model. One of the ones I wanted as a kid and bugged him for, but he always refused. So, that was kinda kool!! I also enjoy being able to stop and help people out. There was one day where I had tons of bad luck. My van even died and left me stranded. I had to leave it there in hopes to return it home sometime soon. Anyways, that night it was very cold out and as I was driving my friends van home in the boon docks, I came across a kid sitting in his engine compartment trying to figure out what to do. I grabbed a light and helped him get the serpentine belt back on his truck so he could make it home. I was really fed up then, but it always feels good to help others and that made the whole day turn around right there! Theres been many others. But I know how it feels sitting there in the cold for hours with no one to stop and help. Just that day! Right outside of the city on one of the main highways taboot! Even a officer passed me by!! But there I was able to stop and aide that kid out! Dont do to others what HAS been done to you, but what you wish others would do to you!

  5. LOL. Well, after I beat the kid with the chevelle 350 with my dodge onmi, everyone wanted to race. When I got the chevy s10 and it was worthless for speed, people would laugh at me. That is until I beat the kid with the 4x4 on the seasonl road(full of deep ruts.) I may have bounced off a tree or two, but I managed to pass him on that road and dusted him! My street two wheel drive made the road! His lifted 4x4 got stuck after I passed him! LOL.

  6. This may be nothing to most of you, but is cool to me! One night on the way home on a weekend trip, I pulled up in front of the white house, parked the car and ran up some of the steps, shot a pic and got out of there. That was pretty cool to me. I doubt any one could do that now! Otherwise, I have done nothing cool. Driven in reverse down a seasonal road at full speed. Beat a chevelle 350 with a GLH Omni. Out ran a lifted 4x4 with a stock heavy half s10 long bed. Had 13 people within the omni and got pulled over and when the cop saw who it was, told to go on. Um,Popped a wheelie and left black marks in the hallway infront of the principals office. I could list tons more stupid stuff I have done as a rebel with no name. But..... Nothing cooler then bringing life into this world! I have three very loving children still alive. Come on now, of course I had to add that. What dad shouldnt be proud to have and raise kids! I guess here, might come a more important one for the kids. When my first wife left me, I got custody of my kids and still do have them full custody. So I am just a normal joe blow! Nothing spectactular!

  7. I'm not sure I get the point of your post. What I'm hearing is "screw safety, and enjoy the hobby even if you can't afford to do it safely" ? I guess I was raised differently, but I was taught from a young age that you always use the right tool for the job, and if you don't have the right tool ( including the education ) you have no business doing the job.

    I love that part! That oughta stop half of us from building models the rest of our lives! Did you listen to yourself? Do you wear thimbles when you use your #11 hobby knife so you dont cut your self? Do you wear eye protection when you open the bag of parts incase one flies out? Do you put on a full face carbon mask when you handle epoxy? Do you buy a can of paint and put it in your car when its hot out in the middle of summer? I highly doubt it! These are all taking risks yes! How many people even wear a paper mask when they paint? The fumes can hurt your lungs. But, people do! I would love to know what you dont do when you should! Also, you want to assume I have a large collection of models is why I can not afford a spray booth. I have been laid off of work for over 2 years. I live in the boonies! My unemployment has run. I have about 7 kits in all. All but one are incomplete kits. You also say who am I , or others useing make shift spray booths, to endager others lives. When you use anything, that can do just that! The fire chief just lost his house two nights ago due to a electric fire. He left his kitchen light on when he went to the fire hall for a meating. The wires arced from being old and started the house on fire. So when you get out of bed and turn on that light, you are already putting people at risk! I am saying if we do things with caution we can minimalize the risks. No to wrap this up. You wish to know how I can relate a drunk driver to this. The person chooses to go out and drink. They already know that thier judgment will be impared! They drive to the bar. How will they get home. By driving! They already know this before they start that car! They choose to ignore everything. They choose not to be cautious in what they do! I am saying with the spray booths. One can buy a sealed fan for under $50 and spend maybe another $20 on hoses to properly exhaust the spray booth.Do you honestly think that the manufacturers of the spray booths are the only ones who can buy the sealed fans? We all know there is high mark ups on products! If you do not think so, thentell me why you can go to the dollar store and buy a toy that uses a watch battery for a dollar. But when that battery dies, it will cost you over $5 to replace the battery? What you buy in a $200-$500 spray booth you cn buy the parts for much cheaper! I look at that portable spray booth people say we should buy. I see what appears to be a case fan, same as whats in a computer or other electronic source as such. Is that fan really a sealed unit? I could go on all day. But, it would not matter because there always one pompuss that will argue about things to make themselves look better and tell us all we need to go out and buy all of these things or as you stated, we dont have the right to do our hobby!

  8. I will now add my two cents. If people could afford the proper tools/equipment for thier job/hobby, I am very sure they would providing they have the inteligence to do so! However, wake up, smell the coffee and face reality. I am sure the majority of people painting models as a hobby are lower class people. Now I am not saying like 90% but well over 50%. So what is this point. We are lucky if we can even afford a airbrush! Many people spray with a can outside on a rock or railing or held in the hand. Come the cold months, the hoby is done. Well we cant stand for that. So we look for the best suitable alternative that we can afford! I am one of these people. if I could shell out $200- $500 for a proper spray booth, I would!! but I and many others can not. So we look for these kind of posts to let us know the "best" way we can cheaply make due with. I would hope we are inteligent enough to understand there are certain risks with this! However, heres a thought for ya. What if someone has a proper spray booth, they are sitting there smoking and a spark falls off of the cigarett or whatever and hits a container of laquer thinner. OMG guess what, it could become dangerous given the right circumstances. So this is where we as free americans need to use some caution! How many people are told not to drink and drive. They still do! They kill others! How many people are told not to drink or do drugs when pregnant as it could cause birth defects. But they do and it does! Stupid people will always be stupid. But if we have no money, if we have sense, we can do things cautiously. I have seen a paint shop go up in smoke. All of the right equipment. Clothes masks fans everything. But dude lights a cigar, when he was done painting. Set it on the counter and it ignited fumes and caught the place on fire. Where was his caution? LOL. So my point being, use your better judgment always. Dont be dumb! Its the dumb people that makes things look bad!! People who can inform us of what we can use cheaply is a benefit to those who do not know. As long as we can see what we should use to build a proper suitable booth then it is up to us. I for one use the better judgment and try to use the best items for the buck!Anyways, Ill go into my corner now! LOL.

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