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Posts posted by jacobus
and we are back and make it slow some progress , first the rear side
its going nice , also first cut out the parts and sand it and fit everything before the glue parts , so it take some time but i like it to build this one
have fun to do it
have make a swap with the engine so that wil look better as the real one
tommorow first going to the hospital and i hope that i be back on wednesday than i go further with al the projects
no just slow workin on the bottomdump trailer
its a nice product from him , have also this one
and this
and the kenworth K200 i have make a start with it , first the chassis , but i do him between the others so slow
i have one , and its stil in the stash
like many more
i must say that the kit works nice , not much flash and its good to follow the parts on the insrtuctions
here some picture,s , everything is stil loose exept the dumpbox
and now glue everything and make the frame to finishd and than the wheel and axles
Lookin good and a think when the tanks are under it than come,s the hole combo nice together
looks nice!
also the compressor
love this color , also great work on the interior
and now start with the bellydump , build nice , minor flash clean and now a dryfit
and now testfit al the parts and glueing
thats for now
the chassis comes nice , make the adjustment for the front springs and now make the engine
and now take the engine away and make the steering part correct
and now started with the bottomdump trailer
auslowe have proberly also the mack,s from KFS
start of building the chassis , and make a little adjustment becouse the frontaxle must about 5 mm backwards
put some plate,s on it and when its good dry a drill the holes in it for the pins of the frontsuspension
and ofcourse also the bellydumptrailer , start cutting the frame rails to the right size and clean the parts for the suspesion and the wheels
the wheels
so we go on
thank you Brian
and yes , i start with building and its nice to see a lot of builders for some nice projects
and have fun everybody
the most M.A.N. topsleepers have a unterflur engine like this , it was from Bussing , M.A.N. have take over Bussing
i found some more picture,s of it but if you type in picture,s of google you found many more of it
can,t wait to start , and like the fun to do it
if you intrested in the bottomdump trailer , you can here ask for it , dmtc@hotmail.nl
here is mine project
daycab with a bottom dump trailer , the australian western star is the donor for the chassis etc
and now wait til 1februari
i have a big problem , i can make a choice between these models
this one with a bottomdump trailer
ore one of these
so diamond reo , brockway , hayes ????
Hello everybody , and yes ii am in to do a build again , hope this year go,s better than 2018 [ that is a lot of projects to finishd ]
but now i wil move on
what i wil build i let you know in a couple of day,s
and your right about it , FUN and Plesure
chassis have his primer and the grey clor , so now i can go on with al the other things that is needed
and make the fueltank,s a aluminium color
Ken , Hessel Hemstra make special rims and tyre,s for the conforti mack and also a special frame
look at fotki and you wil see the hole bunch of stuff he made
drop him a email for the things you want , he make it
here a rim from him
hope this helps
great work , custom rusty blown away truck
like it , great!!
like it , love this kind of cab,s
B.R.B.O. Freightliner - Bottomdump trailer
in WIP: Model Trucks: Big Rigs and Heavy Equipment
now make the grill for the freightliner [ picture,s follow ] thats a #@##^**^$ job from that P.E. material
27 lamels on 4 tiny stuts , ppff [ have fun the said ]
and than the trailer fals on the floor $#$#@%$$% minor damage but OEF!
but we go on and keep up the good spirit