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  1. Hello folks, I've been a member here a while but hardly ever post. I am a LEO in the south (La.) of many years but my main modeling interest has been mostly police cars most of my life.. Back in the late 90's I was the one who did the master for the 1978 Ford LTD that All American Models released, just before they went out. Since then I have done a few others, one is the above 98-91 CV, another is the 1977 Pontiac LeMans Enforcer, or for those that may not know, the Buford T. Justice Sheriff Car. I have a few others in the pipeline, one being another release of the 78 LTD, a 75-76 Custom 500, and the various incarnations of the box panther 79-87 Ford LTD-S and Crown Vics. My intention has always been to fill the holes in my collection that the 4dr police model world has never been addressed by the styrene kit builders. I am getting closer to my own retirement and to that end I hope to be able to spend more time on this particular hobby/subjects. Now, while I do fairly well with masters, I am lousy at making molds and copies, but I may have found a reliable safe source for that part. I want a couple more copies of each of my builds for myself, and I also thought I would try to gauge any interest that may exist in other police or civilian modelers for a copy here as well before I attempt to go forward with the replicas. Each kit would consist of some 10-15 parts and has been engineered mostly to assemble much like a promo or curbside model of old. Hopefully the four screw method for ease of assembly and to cut down on superglues. So that's it. Please have a look at the pics I have submitted. (the pics were taken some time go when nearing completion but the final refinements had not been done. Those have been done but I need fresher pics) Any feedback would be appreciated, and if anyone knows of any other mostly police modelers forums I would greatly appreciate the heads up on that so that I may check there as well. Thanks!
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