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  1. Hello folks, I've been a member here a while but hardly ever post. I am a LEO in the south (La.) of many years but my main modeling interest has been mostly police cars most of my life.. Back in the late 90's I was the one who did the master for the 1978 Ford LTD that All American Models released, just before they went out. Since then I have done a few others, one is the above 98-91 CV, another is the 1977 Pontiac LeMans Enforcer, or for those that may not know, the Buford T. Justice Sheriff Car. I have a few others in the pipeline, one being another release of the 78 LTD, a 75-76 Custom 500, and the various incarnations of the box panther 79-87 Ford LTD-S and Crown Vics. My intention has always been to fill the holes in my collection that the 4dr police model world has never been addressed by the styrene kit builders. I am getting closer to my own retirement and to that end I hope to be able to spend more time on this particular hobby/subjects. Now, while I do fairly well with masters, I am lousy at making molds and copies, but I may have found a reliable safe source for that part. I want a couple more copies of each of my builds for myself, and I also thought I would try to gauge any interest that may exist in other police or civilian modelers for a copy here as well before I attempt to go forward with the replicas. Each kit would consist of some 10-15 parts and has been engineered mostly to assemble much like a promo or curbside model of old. Hopefully the four screw method for ease of assembly and to cut down on superglues. So that's it. Please have a look at the pics I have submitted. (the pics were taken some time go when nearing completion but the final refinements had not been done. Those have been done but I need fresher pics) Any feedback would be appreciated, and if anyone knows of any other mostly police modelers forums I would greatly appreciate the heads up on that so that I may check there as well. Thanks!
  2. Having done the 1988 - 1991 Ford LTD Crown Victoria, I thought I'd back up and do the earlier version that begins with the downsize in 1979. Since most of the tough work of the overall body was done in the 91 CVPI master, I took one of the test shots of the body that Greg had cast and sent me and tried to see how far I could get in modifying that into the basic 79-87 box form. And since Mike Schnur removed the header panel on the 91 to facilitate casting of the 91, that helps too because there are two basic header panel shapes and three maybe four different grilles that came and went on the car in those years. All I have to do is create each header/grille and that along with the taillight treatment (2 versions there) will decide which year is depicted. So, just to see how hard modifying resin would be I tackled the rear section first. And then I did the hood. Next up are those headers and bumpers. Here are a few pics..
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