I have been on here lately looking up past threads on airbrushing. everybody has their own method that they use and I have been trying a couple of them.
Tonight I decided to paint some interior parts of my Jeep with Model Master enamel in gloss black.I thinned it down with Testors enamel thinner and brush cleaner to a ratio that seem to be about 2% milk. At first I could get anything to come out with my regulator set to 23-25psi. I thinned it down more and then it was just too thin. I finally cleaned out that mess and tried again and mixed some to a ration of no clue, and sprayed that back over it. Coverage seems fine now
I decanted some testors lacquer and had no problem at all working with that.
I'm looking for what people's rations are and with what paint. I have a Paasche H set and a 3 gallon compressor with reg.
I've recently been switching to Tamiya acrylics and have yet to use those yet as I've seen people use water and lacquer thinner. Please post here or message me to help lead in the right direction.
Thanks in advance.