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Porsche 993 Speedster RWB


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Thought I'd make a Workbench post of one of my more (for me) extreme builds. This started life as an Italeri Porsche 993 Convertible, bought with the intention of making the Japanese Porsche tuner Rauh Welt Begriff haven't done, a RWB Speedster!

Now, there are transkits out there to make a RWB 993, but they are pricey and won't fit this kit, so what to do? You build it yourself of course!

This is the kit I bought as the base.


And to make the convertible body a Speedster body, I had to make a cover plate, so out came some modeling foam, which I sculpted to fit the body, using reference photos of the older and newer Speedster 911's. The 993 was never built from factory as a Speedster except for very few examples.




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After the Speedster conversion was done, I started sculpting the new fenders and modify the rear bumper, there's a lot of work left on them though.

The left rear fender... This is almost completed, but as you can see, it still need some more work.


And here's the right rear fender. A lot more work to do here!


The rear fenders widen the body about 1 cm per side, which obviously would be about 24 cm in 1:1 scale.


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The front spoiler has to be modified quite a bit to fit the RWB style, so the lower part has been cut off, along with a few small parts to make an air intake.



And after. I've added a piece of styrene strip in the middle to help align the new lower part of the front.


For the interior, I wanted a bit more classic style, so I went through the parts bin, and found these seats, which were painted black along with the rest of the interior.



I also changed the steering wheel, as the original looked like BLAH_BLAH_BLAH_BLAH and was way too big.


So this is where I am so far, still a long way to go with the body, and then there's the chassis and suspension which will be modified to lower the car, and finally I'll have to custom make wheels as I don't have any that are wide enough without being too large in diameter. I'm currently experimenting with 3D printing them, but I'll get back to that in a while...

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