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Peterbilt COE

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Hi everyone, this one is based on a truck a neighbor drove while I was in my early teens. It was dirty and dull and looked like it had a billion miles on it, but I thought it looked so cool! I'm sure it's not exactly as it was back then, but I think it's pretty close. This is my first serious attempt at weathering but it still doesn't look right to me. Any honest opinion on how to improve this would be greatly appreciated!






Thank You in advance,


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Rick, I drove an Astro 95 in Houston years ago that mirrors what you built. From the pictures you sent, I don't see any thing wrong with your work. As for weathering , well using acrylic paint washes, flour mixed with oil paints to make clay or mud pastells. Look hang around the armour buildes, railroad buffs stuff like that . Still you can go overboard and remember in scale a little can go a long way. Ed Shaver

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Rick, I drove an Astro 95 in Houston years ago that mirrors what you built. From the pictures you sent, I don't see any thing wrong with your work. As for weathering , well using acrylic paint washes, flour mixed with oil paints to make clay or mud pastells. Look hang around the armour buildes, railroad buffs stuff like that . Still you can go overboard and remember in scale a little can go a long way. Ed Shaver

Thank you, I'll have to look for that stuff next time I'm at one of the hobby stores. I did find some nice weathering powders last time I was there, but haven't yet found a good way to apply them convincingly......


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The front tire looks a little unevenly weathered, but other than that, excellent job! It doesn't matter how beat up they are, Peterbilt 352s are awesome!

Thank you, I saw that too after I uploaded the pictures. The more beat to heck these things get, the better some of them look!!


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The November edition of MCM had a great way to apply weathering to trucks. Just grind up some pastels, a mix of black, gray and white to give you a dusty effect, spray the area you want to dust with unscented hair spray (very lightly) and using a straw to direct the dust, blow through it lightly to get a dusty effect. It works great! Add some dirt to the tires and maybe some black acrylic paint mixed with some rubber cement and add that to the fifth wheel for a greasy oil effect. Looks great BTW!

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I've put several hundred thousand miles down in one of those and I don't see a thing wrong with it.

Diesel Donkey Posted Jun 28 2008, 03:46 AM

An excelant model of my all time favorite truck.

Give the man a cigar.

Thanks Guys! ;)


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The November edition of MCM had a great way to apply weathering to trucks. Just grind up some pastels, a mix of black, gray and white to give you a dusty effect, spray the area you want to dust with unscented hair spray (very lightly) and using a straw to direct the dust, blow through it lightly to get a dusty effect. It works great! Add some dirt to the tires and maybe some black acrylic paint mixed with some rubber cement and add that to the fifth wheel for a greasy oil effect. Looks great BTW!

Thank you, those are good ideas. I'll have to go dig that issue out.......


Edited by Rick
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This is a well done truck. The only thing that you might consider adding, is some more weathering to the wheel hubs.

Thank you, yes they could use a little "wash". I also noticed the brake drums/backing plates are too clean. Also if I remember right a lot of these trucks came with steel frames, maybe a little Rustall would help. Thanks Guys for all the great ideas, this one is heading back to the bench..........


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