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Some airbrush advice needed; tiny specs?

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Hello Yodas of scale model building,

On occasion, I get very small hard specs in my other wise wonderful paint jobs.

With a little 4K-12K MicroMesh and gentle wet sanding, I get them out no issues.

But curious what they could be from.  I get them airbrushing acrylics and lacquers.

Like I said, a little MicroMesh removes them but curious why they even show.

They don't show when I lay down the paint but rather, as its drying.  Seems odd.

Is it trapped air?

Edited by aurfalien
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Is the airbrush absolutely clean? If so you can rule out old paint.

Do you have any moisture in the air line? .

Are you sure your not getting contamination from your compressor?

If the above things are all good, that leaves solvents being trapped creating bubbles.


Can you give a detailed of what when and how you are spraying?

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1 hour ago, Psychographic said:

If the above things are all good, that leaves solvents being trapped creating bubbles.


Can you give a detailed of what when and how you are spraying?

Hi there,

Your post made me pause and think...

Ah, I think it may be because I am spraying too close?  As of late, I've been spraying about 2-4" away were as I usually spray 4-6".

So perhaps the solvents are not being given enough time to evaporate while air born?

I'll experiment and let you know although I'll be away from the bench for a bit.

If you are wondering why the change, I am simply experimenting with pressure, thinning and distance.  I can just about get a mirror finish but those little specs show here and there.

More trial and error is in order.

Thanks for the reply.

Edited by aurfalien
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If you are spraying closer try going a little faster with your passes, or not pulling the trigger so far (dual action) or close the needle a bit (single action). You also might want to give more time between coats if you are laying on more paint.

To be sure it's not moisture from your line or compressor, run your AB wide open on the air and spray just air onto a piece of paper that will show water easily. Hold it longer than the amount of time you are spraying normally. You might be getting a little bit of water and not noticing it.

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