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What is it about 48 and 96 hour builds?

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Normally I'd be with ya on that one but I don't see what Mark said here that was so offensive, (and I'm not saying that just because we agree on something for possibly the first time ever. :lol: ) Maybe Mark was a tad over-exuberant in his posts but if you take them at face value there's nothing there to get upset about.



Should have added this to my last post ..... I was just teasin' Bluesman , he did nothing wrong at all ! He was'nt over - exuberant either . His last post was correct in every way. He stated what he had to say as several others did , myself included , and then backed it up . Nuttin' wrong with that scenario in my book ! Starting to feel like a long tailed cat does in a room full of rocking chairs around here !


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I was just teasin' Bluesman

Ya. my fault. If I had read your post more slowly I would have caught the sarcasm. I guess there's really only one person that has a problem with some of the posts in this thread. This is the one thing I hate about this type of communication, it's far easier to misunderstand and be misunderstood than when having a live discussion in person, and then it all snowballs and goes to heck.


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Robert, please show me where I have shown one single iota of hostility towards any type of building style, (including quick builds), here.

My first post on this subject, in it's entirety, (& the most "controversial" of all my posts regarding this subject):

"Don't ask me. To me a "quick build" is a box stock/semi box stock build, & even those take me 2-4 weeks on average to complete, including curbsides!! :P;)

I'm in agreement with Harry & David on this. I'd rather set a project aside & even stop building in general for a while rather than attempt a "quickie build". Again agreeing with Harry, the process is just as much fun, (if not more so), than the finished product. I've never been one to have to finish something to put it on the shelf.

I don't like "quickies" in my love life, & I sure ain't gonna have them in my hobby either!! :P:lol:" I find this very offensive. Not everybody has time to spend weeks, months, and years on a single build.

Direct quotes from my other posts in this thread:

"None of us were putting down quick builds, just stating our feelings the same as you did. If you're happy with building some/all of your models that way, more power to you!

For us that feel differently, such a build wouldn't be fun. We're not saying you can't have fun doing it, just that we wouldn't find it fun.

I've seen builds like that which looked great, (Dave McGowan's pics are prime examples), but if I tried such a build, it would look like a brain damaged chimp with ADD built it!!!! this statement make it sound like you think this build style would look terrible.

In my case it's not just the fact that I find the entire process of building to be pleasurable, & thus I like it to last, but also that I don't have the ability to build that fast. I would simply make a mess of it. I know, I've tried.You act like we don't care about how a build goes and just that it gets on the shelf.

I do agree with Harry that in my case, setting an arbitrary & artificial "due date" on a build to be unsatisfactory, & creating too much pressure that takes away from my enjoyment of the hobby.this one is say it would be unenjoyable

As far as responses either way on the subject, we all have the freedom & privilege to post opposing viewpoints & opinions, please try to remember that."

"Again, none of us are knocking this!! We are merely saying that either we can't build something that way, or it's just not our thing. That doesn't mean we have anything against it. For those into it, I'm sure it's fun, I just can't build anything decently that fast, & also prefer to make a build last as long as it needs to get it like I want it. Personal preference, nothing more or less.

Heck I'm sure there are modelers here that would find some of the long term projects I've done in the past, (& one I'm currently doing now, the resin "brick" 57 Pontiac Safari), which took up to six years of off & on work in one case to not be pleasurable or fun, & I can understand that.

As Sly & the Family Stone sang, .......'different strokes for different folks.......'"

"I don't understand why, since we are all different people, with different building interests, different skill levels, & different approaches to this hobby, when we do express our differences in building, that somebody always gets upset if there is a differing opinion.with repeated post you are trying to force your opinion

Dirk Joseph & Bill Geary, (to name but two here), can both blow me so far out of the water with their builds that it could be embarassing. I am a "mid pack" plodding builder. I can't rush for one, simply because I would make too many mistakes to enjoy the build. I don't like to rush for another, because to me the most pleasure is in the building, (I have to include the planning of the build in that as well), & thus I like to prolong the pleasure.....

This doesn't mean I'm a better builder than someone who is faster, or a worse builder. It merely means I'm a model builder, just like all of us here, & that's what matters."

Now please, please show me where I have shown any hostility, (either overtly or covertly), towards quick builds or those that enjoy them in my comments? I have done my best to champion any & all sorts of building styles here, whether or not it was something I was into personally. How is someone saying "I can't build that way and I don't understand why somebody would do it that way". being hostile!?! Jeez man, develop a skin, not even a thicker one, just a skin, if a comment that innocuous, (or any of those I made), is offensive. That's being a bit overly sensitive, to say the least.

As for your 41 Woody build causing all of this, I have no idea, I never saw it.

BTW, the reason I even posted this is your comments were directly in relation to mine, thus I responded. I'm not mad at your comments, though I do admit to a bit of annoyance that my thoughts were so badly misread, & they were quite clear & relatively concise.I apologize for targeting you, Most of this thread was all negative towards this style of building, you just happen to be the loudest voice saying it was not any fun and that it was a waste of time, and covered your butt by saying it was an opinion.

Now personally? I don't care if people build a model in 48 hours, 96 hours, 6 months, 6 years, etc., or if they build rat rods, billet rods, donks, customs, light commercial, Nascar, Nascar light commercial donks with rat rod finishes & 100% billet engines in an hour & a half, or any & every combination thereof. I don't care if people get their modeling jollies by gluing their head to their workbench, but if one is having trouble comprehending my comments, try asking me about them before immediately getting defensive, ok?

Donn was dead right in this comment: "Individuals are looking for a fight if someone doesn't agree with their stated opinion." Well sorry Robert, but though I do my best to be as agreeable as possible, I can't control what you read into or how you interpret or misinterpret other's comments, & thus I can't be responsible if you get offended by a differing opinion, nor will I stop offering my thoughts on any subject here that I chose to. To requote myself: "As far as responses either way on the subject, we all have the freedom & privilege to post opposing viewpoints & opinions, please try to remember that. "

To everyone else here, I apologize for coming off a bit testy, but I fail to see where my comments regarding this subject were hostile or a put down, & I wanted to be very sure my feelings regarding such misreading/misunderstanding/misinterpreting/whatever of my comments was crystal clear.


I'm going to post several pictures of my "quick" builds and links to their Photobucket albums.











You tell me if they are Junk.

Edited by Robert81
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Personaly i think i will get my butt kicked for this too. I have to say as this has been held on so long i cant contain it any more.

Bluesman nothing against you but things i dont know. The more you post the worse you will make it. I already was told off by you once or twice. The first time being on a styline 57 chevy question thread. But anyway i dont think if you keep posting it will make this thread any nice. All this has gotten to is a big who said he hates whatever thread. I have to agree with my friend Rob and Dub. Rob does a great job on the other forum. We also get more input on our build and i think the other forum is morely like a big huge family. Also Dub i think i will do what u said as all i see from you bluesman is long essay posts the bore me half to death and clog up the threads.

What i am kinda trying to say to you bluesman stop posting on this thread as it is just becoming worse.

Rob. I think i can talk to you tonight in chat on another forum.

Dub. I think i will use your idea.

I hope this thread will clean up and that this kinda useless posts of "I cant build in that time" or "I dont see the point of this" stop. For now i am outa here.

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Personaly i think i will get my butt kicked for this too. I have to say as this has been held on so long i cant contain it any more....

Nope... we don't kick butts here! :angry:


this thread does seem to have taken on a rather antagonistic tone in general, even though there were no specific posts here that were antagonistic, as far as I can see. A few people's feelings apparently were hurt due to a perceived "put down" of their style of building, but honestly, if you go back and read each post, you'll find that there were no outright putdowns of anyone... only differing opinions on the topic. And differing opinions is what a forum is all about... right? If we all thought the same exact way this would sure be a boring place!

Everyone take a deep breath, relax and move on from this topic. We're all friends here.

Now I could do like other forums and lock this thread, but I'm not going to do that, because I believe we're better than that here. We can have differences of opinion and still get along without a "lockdown". Show me I'm right. :o

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As far as I have read in the initial post the Question was what are 48 and 96 hour builds and why do people do them, not why people don't build that way.

This statement explains exactly why I'm feeling hostility to this style of build.

As for blocking Bluesman's posts, I'm not going to do that. I feel he is just the scape goat in this case. I don't go of the handle very often, but I will not take back what I said, I'm generally very respectful, as Dub and SD know. I'm going to wait to see how this turns out, but I think I'm done beating a dead horse, though I think Bluesman had been doing that long before I got in to explain what and why there are 48 and 96 hour build, as asked by the original poster.

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The 48 or 96 hour build is a no-frills build to BUILD. It's not to win an award or anything else, just basics. I've often used this type of build to experiment with new techniques or paint. I've busted out an 8 hour build in the past as well. :angry: It's a way to get off the stress (or whatever) from a detailed build and clear the mind for a "good" project as well for me.

Other things like the 24 hours of Lemans build is fun. I plan on participating this year via the internet. A group from West Virginia have done it the last three years. You start and finish a race car/Lemans car in the 24 hours of the race. :o

Edited by Mike
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You know what? I'm through.

I'm through offering help, information, advice, tips or anything else to this forum. I'm tired of being accused of making "long essay posts" when all I try to do is cover all the bases in anything I do post, not to appear "intellectually superior", but in most cases to ensure that I give all the information that I think might be needed, so someone can have all the facts they need to do something.

I'm tired of worrying that a simple comment in which no harm was meant, nor was anyone put down might offend someone. I'm tired of people getting upset over the fact that I have a love of language & like to express myself with it. I'm tired of dealing with whiners & crybabies that need their egos constantly stroked or they get all upset.

I'm through sending countless parts & the like away for free just because I wanted to help fellow modelers.

I'm tired of & through dealing with those that can't interpret, comprehend or even understand simple English, or are merely looking for an axe to grind & find my thoughts a convienent target to focus on.

To my friends, (& you know who you are), I bid a fond farewell. You I will miss. To those that took umbrage at my being an honest free thinking individual, (& you know who you are), I have nothing to say, for you're not worth it.


If you feel that is the best choice, I have nothing against you. I just feel your comments and some other people's too) belittled how I am building, I pointed out what comments,(even if you did not mean it the way I interrupted them.) like you said.

I'm going to take my premature ejaculation builds and stop posting them here, as I see little to no interest in them. I will continue to be building them, but not post them here.

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May I say Time out?

I'd like to say a little something on Bluesman Mark Behalf from my side.

Sure, He is a little long winded at times but informative .

Bluesman Mark gives you the answer behind the question that leads to the answer.

I want to know more than it is because it is, I want to know why it is because it is.

Get it?

If some one says Jump, do you Jump or ask why?

Losing Bluesman Mark would be like losing Gregg or Jauris.

But that is my Buck O five.

Edited by Zukiholic
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Its model cars guy, I build my way, you build yours.

I get flack for building up rare old jo-han kits, and cutting up 200.00 promos..... but im not gona pack up my toys and go home.

What it comes down to , is that they are after-all just toys, we all have our own styles, our own views and opinions, and we do things the way WE like them.

sure 48 hours on 96 hours arent my thing, heck, Ive been working on my green hearse for 9 months. But I have alot of respect for the guys that can pull off

a clean build in that timeline. I also dont much care for donks or nascar;but hey ill check out a thread about em, after all we are all here to build models and check out each others work, and expand and share our knowledge.

my way of looking at it is.. you dont like a donks... dont build one, you dont like 48 hour buildoffs.... dont enter them, but dont be-little others or make remarks that can be taken the wrong way, tip your hat, about turn, and exit the topic.

Nothing against you Mark weve had disagreements before, however youve also given me information and helped me out.

Take a few days , or weeks away from the forum, and comeback after things cool down a bit.

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I hate to see another member has left this board. I myself have caused some controversy on this board. Their seems to be a a click on this site that rules it. Anything they build gets praised. I think this board is getting stagnated by this click. I can log on for days and never see anything new posted. When I first found this site there was so much more going on with this site. I look to these forms for information and ideas . Now I am getting more controversy and less about models. Weather a model is built in a day or a year what does it matter? When the person that built it is happy with their build , why should you care? Seems to me that folks are being driven from this site.

Edited by mustanglover1951
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Well last night me and some online buddy’s had a 24 hr build off. Even thoe I only used 3 of the 24 hr given to build my ride it was just the pushing of each other and trying to make the deadline with nothing to prove that made it all fun. We all know what we are capable of building but it seemed more fun building out the box running in and out of the house to the shop and back to the building room, posting progress pics as we went along. Most of my build take anywhere from a few month’s to a year to build. So having a little fun like we did reminds me of what drew me to this hobby in the first place. I almost forgot how much fun model building the way you want was and should be. Who care’s if the pulleys or the shifter are not on in the proper angel? This was my build and I did it my way. So if you haven’t tried it, you should.

This is just my two cent's.

Anthony Rios.


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Guest Davkin
Their seems to be a a click on this site that rules it.

I disagree, I find this forum to be far less cliqueish than most. As for activity, does it really matter if there's tons of posts every day if most of them have no real substance? I think the post rate to substance ratio here is better than most as well.

As for Mark's announcement, well that's his perogotive and I for one am not going to beg him to stay, I never do when people publicly announce their displeasure with a forum and leave in a huff. Personally I think that's rather childish behaviour and I refuse to reward it. I left this forum a few months ago when it got too political, I made no announcement, I just left. I was pleased to see when I came back to check on the forum a couple months ago that the situation had been straightened out and I started to participte again, I made no announcement then either.


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