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KS Porsche 911


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FujimiLover, This is looking really cool, keep up the good work and it will be a killer Porsche.

Might I suggest using a bent coat hanger , rather than setting the model flat on the cardboard.

It has its advantages for you hang the car upside down to dry, therefore helping to keep dust off while it dries.

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FujimiLover, This is looking really cool, keep up the good work and it will be a killer Porsche.

Might I suggest using a bent coat hanger , rather than setting the model flat on the cardboard.

It has its advantages for you hang the car upside down to dry, therefore helping to keep dust off while it dries.

If it's upside down, wouldn't the paint drip OFF the car?

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"If it's upside down, wouldn't the paint drip OFF the car?"

If thats a concern then it sounds like your laying down some heavy layers of paint.

I think you might try a little lighter coats, allowed to tack off in between.

Just my thoughts.


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I went to the LHS Hobby Town today, the GOOD one, and picked up Scale Motor Sport's Faux Fabrix textured spray paint. They had it in both flat-black and flat-red. I'm going to try the red on the other set of seats that came with this model. If I like the results, I'll respray the interior with it except for the dashboard to give the dashboard a different look. Well, that and I already painted in the dashboards details.


Next I'll need to paint the end peices silver.


seperation between the boot and the knob, not an easy spot to do!


Spokes on the steering wheel.


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Well, good thing I tried that faux paint on spare parts. After shaking the can vigerously, it still sprayed out too thick, and created a blob on the cardboard and made the spare seats ugly. I think either this stuff doesn't work, or I got a bad can. I'm going to leave the interior alone as I've already painted it nicely!

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FujimiLover, This is looking really cool, keep up the good work and it will be a killer Porsche.

Might I suggest using a bent coat hanger , rather than setting the model flat on the cardboard.

It has its advantages for you hang the car upside down to dry, therefore helping to keep dust off while it dries.

sorry, but i have a stupid Question:?

i have tried that and the car fell off! how did you bend it so the car stays?

thank you for the help!


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I'm also curious as to how to bend it properly. This is a good reason not to rest it on the cardboard for painting! While I was letting the insides dry, this had happened! See the blemesh on the roof right where the reflection is? Now I'm going to have to sand that down and give her another coat! Darn these ladies, always wanting more coats! :angry:


Got the chassis painted up. I was looking at somebody elses build of a Porsche 935 and noticed how his tranny was all black along with the engine. So I figured this one the same.



Painted the brakes silver, and the calipers red. This part now has three colors going on, gun-metal, silver, and red.


I guess you call this the suspension holder. They wanted these tip's to be body-color. So, I painted'em red.


I forgot to paint some suspension parts and the rear brakes so those are in the process of drying right now. When those are done painted, I can assmeble the rest of the chassis.

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great job so far! and darn, that sucks about the blemesh!

The blemesh is an easy fix, just wet-sand it down and give her another spray. Will also have to repair the bottom skirts for same reason. But since they were painted this morning, she's still gotta wait till tomarrow before I can repair.

Mean while, I'm working ahead on the chassis and interior. Hopefully this one will be the most beautiful of king's!

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Hey my friend...great job on this model. As a Porsche real and model sars, I have had seen this a lot of times, but, noone had build it. I will follow this one real close to see how you finish it. Keep on the nice work!

And as always.....Porsche, there's no substitute!

Simón P. Rivera Torres

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