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just a queston.

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I would like to start scratch building but i dont know what i need to buy. I was hoping some one who scratch builds alot could help me out.



You're going to have to be way more specific than that!

"Scratchbuilding" covers just about anything... from scratchbuilding roll cages and frames with brass or styrene tubing or rods , to custom bodywork using sheet styrene or sheet brass, or turning custom pieces on a lathe from aluminum, to building entire models "from scratch" out of brass, styrene, aluminum, etc. The possibilities are endless, and the materials and techniques are also endless. Also, the materials used would dictate what method you'd need to put the pieces together (glue, epoxy, soldering, etc.)

Working with different materials requires different techniques and methods.

Unless we have a better idea of what you want to do, we can't tell you how to do it, or what materials you'll need.

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