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Bumble Bee Camaro


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Hey all ive posted and lurked here a couple of times. So now I thought Id do a w.i.p.

This is a mild tribute to my 8yr old son. I took him to see transformers 2 after

we watched the first one together.(BTW best movie Ive seen all year). Now

every time he sees a yellow car he shouts out BUMBLEBEE. Since I dont have

a 09 camaro in my stash thought Id sustitute this one. Dont even know if

its the right year.But I do know in the first movie he was an "Old School"

camaro first.

This is a kit that Id started awhile back and never finished.So its partially primed and painted:


Better shot?



Anyone else ever used this (imo) crappy stuff



I stripped the body first thats why it look yellow! That primer is really thick.No good

at all.You guys in the" know" correct me on what year he was initially! (BumbleBee)

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i know exactly what you mean about the rustoleum primer. i had a 4th gen camaro ss primed up using the same stuff and i couldnt even get purple power to cut it, not even paint thinner would work. i eventually just used fine steel wool to sand it down to a smooth enough finish that i was happy with. IMO stay away from the rustoleum brand plastic primers and paints.

other than that looks nice what you got going on so far. i got the same kit here and dont even know what i wanna do with it yet.

Edited by rc_model_builder
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That's something I never understood. Why use a 77 Camaro for early Bumblebee? Why not just use a 67-69 Camaro? Makes more sense to me. I also just dreaded the scene where he "scans" the new Camaro when he drives on two wheels. Eeek. Coulda been done better.

But enough of that, it looks to be a great start to the car though. I am really interested to see what a correct era Bumblebee will look like.

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if you really want to do it right you build him as a volkswagen bug

thats what the first bumblebee was ;)

having said that , ive contemplated building this very model, the beat up camaro with the build engine in it but i just have too many projects going as is :o

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if you really want to do it right you build him as a volkswagen bug

thats what the first bumblebee was :lol:

having said that , ive contemplated building this very model, the beat up camaro with the build engine in it but i just have too many projects going as is :)

You know in the original Transformers, Bumblebee gets blown apart, and rebuilt as Goldbug. How are they going to explain calling a New Camaro, Goldbug?

When director's and movie people detour from story lines that far it really ruins movie adaptations for me. I understand Chevy wanted a product placement. There was a Camaro in the second? gen called Smokescreen. Why not use him? Actually they could have used just about anyone, as I think that Bumblebee is the only one to ever be rebuilt and renamed ...(other then the Primes).

And YES I did grow up in the 80's and WAS a big fan, of the originals. :P

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Michael Bay makes all of his protagonists cars Chevys, and the villains drive dodges or fords. Hence the Cop car being a Mustang in Transformers, or the Dodge Magnums getting torn apart in The Island. This awful trend of product placement started with Bad Boys II, the only exception is Mike Lowery driving his Ferrari, but other than that, the Yukon/Suburban that the sister leads the freeway chase with, the H2 that drives through Cuba. Lincoln driving the concept Cadillac in the Island, or Buscemi driving the primer SSR... It's a terrible trend, not Chevy's fault, Michael Bay's fault.

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Ok guys what kit do I need for the "movie correct version.

Yeah mirage your right the first bb I ever saw was a

VW bug!! Dont think my son would know that though.

As far as product trends go Im a UAW worker so anything which

pumps up the industry Im all for!! I remember GM had a big

thing with the matrix movies.The caddys(escalade and CTS)

or whatever it was,I think that stuff is good for business

and Im sure they probably have to pay big money to do that.

Maybe Ill just get the amt camaro and do a current BB.

Do they have correct decals in the box?

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If your talking about Smokescreen as in the red, white, and blue racing car. He was actually a Datson 280Z. Same car that Prowl and Silverstreak were.

I don't think any Autobot from the original series was a Camero.

As cheap as a Volkswagen Bug is to get these day's, I don't see why they couldn't use the Bug for Bumble Bee. Using the Camero for sake of advertisement was dumb.

Now, back on topic!

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Ok guys what kit do I need for the "movie correct version.

Yeah mirage your right the first bb I ever saw was a

VW bug!! Dont think my son would know that though.

As far as product trends go Im a UAW worker so anything which

pumps up the industry Im all for!! I remember GM had a big

thing with the matrix movies.The caddys(escalade and CTS)

or whatever it was,I think that stuff is good for business

and Im sure they probably have to pay big money to do that.

Maybe Ill just get the amt camaro and do a current BB.

Do they have correct decals in the box?

Nah, the Rims in the AMT kit are wrong, and it doesn't come with any decals. Besides, the new Transformers movie uses the Camaro SS, which has numerous body mods.

If you want to go for movie correct, pre-concept, Bumblebee, go for a 74-77 Camaro. I know AMT had an old 74 Kit back in the day. The monogram 78 Camaro has some differences, but if you are crafty then you may be able to convert it.

I personally say build a 69 Camaro like Bumblebee, it'd be different. That's just my personal opinion




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HOLY SHEEP!!! These things are THAT popular that ALL you guys know about 'em????? Yeeesh, That's wat i get for havein a girl!!!!! Joy's gonna be 31 an I can still remember gettin her a new Barbie every year at Christmas. She still has em all. But I NEVER knew jack about Transformers! I saw the 1st movie, thought it was ok, but I din't know they were makein the second one till recently. I'll probly see it on cable when it comes out. Wow, from what it looks like to me, Transformers were the big thing for you guys hu? Maybe like hot rod tradeing cars were to me. Any you guys remember them? :lol::)

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HOLY SHEEP!!! These things are THAT popular that ALL you guys know about 'em????? Yeeesh, That's wat i get for havein a girl!!!!! Joy's gonna be 31 an I can still remember gettin her a new Barbie every year at Christmas. She still has em all. But I NEVER knew jack about Transformers! I saw the 1st movie, thought it was ok, but I din't know they were makein the second one till recently. I'll probly see it on cable when it comes out. Wow, from what it looks like to me, Transformers were the big thing for you guys hu? Maybe like hot rod tradeing cars were to me. Any you guys remember them? :):P

Funny, I was always a comic geek, and a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle kid growing up. Transformers was a bit before my time actually. (I'm 23). I am a huge movie buff though. Did acting, writing, I write reviews semi-professionally, so subsequently I know about Transformers thanks to the "movies" we have been blessed with :lol:. The funny thing about Bumblee though, if you watch the movie when Sam first gets in the Camaro smashes a Yellow Bug which represented the tv show's Goldenbug.

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One thing about Bay is he certainly doesn't give a hoot about maintaining anything from the source. Got to love egotistical a-holes right?

people who claim the camaro is bumblebee are exactly the same as people who claim the BMW-build mini is a mini :P

but thats a whole nother can of worms

lets just say your trying to replicate a movie car and you picked a nice one at that :lol:

just not bumblebee

carry on :blink:

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If your talking about Smokescreen as in the red, white, and blue racing car. He was actually a Datson 280Z. Same car that Prowl and Silverstreak were.

I don't think any Autobot from the original series was a Camero.

As cheap as a Volkswagen Bug is to get these day's, I don't see why they couldn't use the Bug for Bumble Bee. Using the Camero for sake of advertisement was dumb.

Now, back on topic!

Oops...my bad.

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