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Can someone out there explain to me how to post multiple pictures to a post and what size should the photo be. I have looked on various sites but cannot find the answer. I see multiple post of your builds all the time so someone out there knows how. Thanks for any information.

Brian Pardue

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Guest Gramps-xrds

Brian, it sounds like you're tryin ta upload pix from your pc. That's a problem in it's self. What I would suggest is going and getting a Photobucket account. It's free. Then you can upload all the pictures you want. Just follow their instructions. Photobucket will automaticly resize them. Then to post them here. Open 2 browser windows. 1 here and the other on photobucket. Start your new thread and when you're ready to post pix. open the photo bucket, scroll over the pic and there will be a dropdown window. Scroll down to the bottom where it says IMG code. Left click on that to high light it and then right click and the other window will show up. Select copy there. return to your post here and right click and select paste and it'll show the info needed to be able to see the pic once you tell it to post thread. or you can scroll down and click preview and you can see what it looks like before you post the thread.

I forgot ta tell ya, after each IMG paste, hit enter so the pix will show up under each other. Keep doing that for as many pix as you want to post.

Edited by Gramps-xrds
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As stated, you need an on-line photo host. I use Fotki, and like it. Others use sites such as Photobucket, Picasa, and others. You could Google "photo host" if you want.

If you go with Fotki, I can post a tuitorial with pics so you know what and where the buttons are to click.

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