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WIP Bud King AA/FC

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Decided to get cracking on this kit. I bought this for 10.00 at a Flea Market close to my house. It was opened but the bag was sealed and the decals were perfect. As typical of Monogram kits of this era, the windows were a bit scratched. I got em polished up god and am ready to take on the rest of the kit. I'm doing a full detail on this so that means full fuel and electrical, or as close to it as I get.


Here we see I've already gt the chassis painted Metalizer Titanium. I REALLY need chassis shots of this car and cannot find any ANYWHERE. I have plenty of outside photos and frankly didn't need any. But the motor and chassis is something I really need bad. I've done about 4 hours of careful searching and begging on the NHRA boards but nothing yet. This car won the 1985 Championship so it's not like some also ran car and driver here. It's frikkin Kenny Bernstein!!!


I'm doing hardline for the hat and port injection. It seems to me they sometimes used hose up top and hard line on the port but I like the look of the hardline going under the hat so that's what I'm doing on this. I fairly certain he only ran one Mag on this car but I cannot be sure. These were the days when chrome was realized for what it was in NHRA racing. Useless bling, so I dechromed the appropriate pieces.


Got my first fuel block 1/2 done and made a quick reference point on my paper to make the bends so they all come out even. The port will get the same with much longer lines and angles going into the manifold.

This is a superb vintage kit and Monogram did em great back then.

The body is in primer and awaiting the white for the graphic portion of the decals, then it's bright red.

This is fun.


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Nice start Bob.......I built this model about 5 years ago and it came out ok but, when I airbrushed the white I had a little red mixed in with the white and i got a pinkish white......it looks nasty.....I`ll have to make it again someday .......I have another kit .

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I will admit I'm not really into drag cars but I hope you will answer a question.

What type of wire is that you are using and would it be correct for 1/24 scale?

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Sorry to hear about the "pink" nose there John. I laid down some trial masking a while ago and it looks good. I used Testors classic white laquer so it's nice n bright. I'll mask again for the red. I thought doing it that way would be interesting and it looks like it'll be a snap.

Got the rest of the fuel block lines in and am about to bend em up. Just gotta check the hat clearance first.


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I will admit I'm not really into drag cars but I hope you will answer a question.

What type of wire is that you are using and would it be correct for 1/24 scale?

If it's not spot on in size it's darn close. I've used this line before for hardline injection and was complimented about the scale of it. It works for me.


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looking forward to the updates ;)

i don't have this kit but i do have the 7-Eleven Mustang funny car from about the same time. my decals are shot so i guess i'll have to come up with a ficticious team for mine.


Slixx makes sets for that car Dave.

I'll update soon.


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OH, now the pressure's on Shane!

LOL, I gotta say, this one is testing me a bit. The line I have IS too small. So I have to rethink the injection for the moment.

It just looked wrong. Good eyes PRG.

Up on 4 wheels at any rate.



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Yes you did Dave! I cannot live without em.

Replica's and Miniatures of Mayland has em Envious8420

The set is photo etched and does the front/rear on Monogram and Revell Drag tires and also the little tiny ones that Revell had for a short period for top fuel cars.

Thanks Dave.


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Picked up some craft wire today and got to work on the hat injection lines. I got one side done and was so stoked I wanted to share it.




Getting ready to go garage skating tonight so I won't finish these, but tomorrow I'll be on em for sure.

Thanks for looking.


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The skate got cancelled due to rain tonight so I worked on the other side and started fabbing up the port distribution block and barrel valve.

Yep, we garage skate Dave. usually downtown Baltimore Parking Garages. We just had a big article in the Washington Post.

Check it out here http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/07/12/AR2010071204464.html

My brother Scott is the bald guy narrating it and driving the "tow" vehicle. I missed that skate so I'm not in it. I've written for mags and skate books so it really was his turn to shine about his over 30 years of Skateboarding.




Skateboarding has been a part of my life for 37 years now. If I miss a skate I feel like I've cheated myself somehow. LOL


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I usually strip sparkplug wire to make the fuel lines but that craft wire looks great. Hobby Lobby? what dept.

I was big into BMX back in the 80's and still have my '81 santa ana GT and ride a 24 GT cruiser. While moving my Nomad we found a stash of bike parts from my racing days.

Never grow up Bob...

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Yeah, I'll be there Dave. Been a while since I've been to a MAMA meeting.

I got the wire at a localish craft shop Shane. My Mums always goes there for her knitting stuff and I happen to remember they had wire.

Yeah Shane, keep your BMX gear. Perhaps you can make a whole bike? If not, be prepared to spend a lot on replacing the rest though. That stuff is now MUY expensivo.


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I am truly feeling the love on this build.. But it is tougher than some may think.

The PORT injection lines are FAR tougher than any may think, and they are what are giving me fits tonight.

Builds like this may seem simple after seeing them executed, but they are truly tough for those who aim to execute them.

Once I have completed the port injection I will post pictures. As it stands it's taken me 2 days to get the lines straight, and another day to make the fuel block correct.

I begin to undestand the BIG builds in doing this, and in my own way, contribute somehow to how BIG builds are accomplished.

One build at a time.....


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Looking good so far. Your distribution block and injector lines look great.

I quit skating in 1996, but still have my board (a Jaya Bonterov slickskin from Santa Cruz I believe). Every once in a while I pull it out just to see if I can still Ollie or Bluntslide a car hood!

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I am truly feeling the love on this build.. But it is tougher than some may think.

The PORT injection lines are FAR tougher than any may think, and they are what are giving me fits tonight.

Builds like this may seem simple after seeing them executed, but they are truly tough for those who aim to execute them.

Once I have completed the port injection I will post pictures. As it stands it's taken me 2 days to get the lines straight, and another day to make the fuel block correct.

I begin to undestand the BIG builds in doing this, and in my own way, contribute somehow to how BIG builds are accomplished.

One build at a time.....


I feel your pain Bob.

Push yourself with each build and try something new every time. Your fuel lines blow my attempts out of the water. Gotta step my game up.....

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High praise indeed J. The thing is. Doing one side is not to much of a problem. It's getting the other side to match that's the tricky part. The port injection is giving me fits but I'm slowly winning that battle.

I painted the body red today. I'll post pics of that later. God Bless Tamiya spray cans!


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