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Reliable Resin

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I have read through the thread,And well lets cut him some slack,I am waiting on parts from another place,But I know I will get my stuff,If some of you understand what alot of these Companys have to deal with,Some are just maybe 1 or 2 people doing the masters,the molds,and casting the parts and kit,the cost of the Resin and Rubber to make the molds and parts ,isn't cheap,So just like any other company like,For example,AMT,They have to make some sort of profit,to invest the money into new stuff,Further more,If it wasn't for alot of the Newer guys out there doing this stuff,We would be stuck with buying from maybe the orignal 2 R&R And The Modelhaus,Be greatfull we have all of these guys making this stuff,I support everyone in the resn market!

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I have read through the thread,And well lets cut him some slack,I am waiting on parts from another place,But I know I will get my stuff,If some of you understand what alot of these Companys have to deal with,Some are just maybe 1 or 2 people doing the masters,the molds,and casting the parts and kit,the cost of the Resin and Rubber to make the molds and parts ,isn't cheap,So just like any other company like,For example,AMT,They have to make some sort of profit,to invest the money into new stuff,Further more,If it wasn't for alot of the Newer guys out there doing this stuff,We would be stuck with buying from maybe the orignal 2 R&R And The Modelhaus,Be greatfull we have all of these guys making this stuff,I support everyone in the resn market!

The Problem is there are just some people who have an axe to grind, whether it is against Reliable resin or some other company. There are those here who bash nascar, revell, AFX/N Arrowhead etc. any chance they get because for one reason or another they can't get over some disappointment they had with them.

In the case of reliable resin it seems that just a simple product annoucement is enough to bring out the usual suspects looking to do him in. they hijack the thread with some off topic complaint and usually at least one attempted character assasination. It's time for those people to either deal with it or move on. I'm sick of hearing "blah blah blah shipping time" "blah blah blah ebay" or "Blah blah blah Don was a meanie on the phone". Buy from him or don't buy from him, I don't care. If you have a legitimate complaint with a vendor try to resolve it with him. if it can't get resolved get over it or start a new thread that the mods can delete or lock so you can make a fool of yourselves somewhere I can easily ignore it.

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Understand completely what you are saying,I'm sick of it myself,These Resin casters are GOLD to the hobby,Yes there are some out there not to up to standards,But All of the subjects that are out there in amazing,But back to the attacks on ANYONE on here there is no reason for it at all ,Everyone I have bought from have been stand up people,In my oppinion,if you don't like the price,don't buy it,If you feel that you have an issue with the vender,then take it up with them through a PM off of here,Buy doing that the venders reputation isn't affected,Plus it can cause them to lose customers by doing so,To me that is affecting both the venders out there and our hobby.

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I could not agree more!

I love the fact I can find almost anything I want from the aftermarket resin guys.

I have only had one bad experience off ebay and I will simply not buy from him again, no big deal.

Don has always been great to me over the past year and half.

Last week we were exchanging emails and I mentioned how I was upset with myself for wreaking a hood from an original Dick Landy Challenger kit.

A few days later a very nice resin hood showed in the mail from Don. He saved my build with this hood. I will post photos when I have time.

For me it is simple, just like going to a restaurant, go where you like the food and service.

To each his own, and have fun! After all this is just a hobby not life and death.

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Um, I have a question though... do we as consumers not have the right to know which company (resin or otherwise) is shady and has questionable business practices? How about SUPER SLOW shipping or not shipping at all? While some of these "complaint" type threads can/do get out of hand, if they took place all OFF THE AIR with emails/phone/PM we (us modelers) wouldn't know about it. And that leaves more consumers/customers getting the screws put to them by some shady company with poor/no customer service.

It's okay to post in the forums "praise" for a particular vendor/company/resin caster but not when someone is unhappy with the product or service from them? That doesn't make any sense whatsoever. While I agree more "tact" can be shown when dealing with these type of situations on the forums, it doesn't excuse the fact that something is indeed wrong with a product or service they may have provided.

This is a public forum and whether a product or service is bad or good we are allowed to "voice" our opinions, and I personally appreciate the feedback given on other companies especially of the "negative" nature. It allows me/you (consumers) to make educated decisions on where we spend our hard earned $$.

When I see the same company come up on VARIOUS forums year after year after year with people complaining ...well, the red flag gets raised and my money gets spent elsewhere. Sorry but thats the truth.

Perhaps you'd like to spend your money and get taken for a ride? I dont think so.

This is in no way against Reliable Resin, it's a general statement about posting comments whether positive or negative about our experiences.

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I can see your point.

In my case I know the vendor that I had my bad run in with has other happy customers on this board so maybe it was just me or the type of products I purchased. For me, personally, the drama and possible bad blood that could arise from me posting the negative is just is not worth my time.

I much rather share the good experiences then dwell on the one bad purchase I have made.

Again that is just how I feel. Who knows maybe down the road someone will really upset me and that could change my forgiving nature. :D

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I have had that problem before and did it elsewhere,This Forum isn't supposed to be a bash fest for some,Think about it for a minute,If the roles were reversed for a second,Say you are trying to promote a product,And someone chimes in with Nonsence that has nothing to do with the post at all,Keep in mind the more people that complain about certain resin caster,It is going to cost them sales,And eventually,It may cost them there business,And when the stuff is no longer around,Then people will be saying,I wish I could still get the Conversion Kits,Parts,wheels,ect.Some Food For Thought

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Steve, yep I agree cluttering up unrelated posts may not be the best method to communicate the problems or issues but I guess if your the one who was "done wrong" by a company you'd be pretty upset(?)

But a dedicated post on the experience is a much better idea IMO, whether good or bad. Each method will to some degree have the same result, and that is, folks questioning future purchases with said company.

I just imagine how some of these folks feel when they had a bad experience or received bad products, yet said company is peddling *new* products to unsuspecting potential new customers. Like "hey buddy, how about you fix my problem before selling more stuff!"

Anyways, lol ... sorry for the poor example. Everyone hold hands now and sing a song yeah? B)

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Well put Greg ,but I wasn't refering to Reliable Resin ,Every time I have dealt with him It has been positive,I was refering to another person on here that has had me waiting,But I'm not mentioning any names,As I feel its not needed to!I wouldn't do that like those other guys!I have been waiting 2 months for 2 resin hoods from that person,And if I don't see them in another week then,I might change my mind!You know who you are.

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Steve you are the voice of reasoning,I knew what you were saying.You carried yourself like a reasonable man.I hope it all works out for you.

Well put Greg ,but I wasn't refering to Reliable Resin ,Every time I have dealt with him It has been positive,I was refering to another person on here that has had me waiting,But I'm not mentioning any names,As I feel its not needed to!I wouldn't do that like those other guys!I have been waiting 2 months for 2 resin hoods from that person,And if I don't see them in another week then,I might change my mind!You know who you are.

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Um, I have a question though... do we as consumers not have the right to know which company (resin or otherwise) is shady and has questionable business practices? How about SUPER SLOW shipping or not shipping at all? While some of these "complaint" type threads can/do get out of hand, if they took place all OFF THE AIR with emails/phone/PM we (us modelers) wouldn't know about it. And that leaves more consumers/customers getting the screws put to them by some shady company with poor/no customer service.

It's okay to post in the forums "praise" for a particular vendor/company/resin caster but not when someone is unhappy with the product or service from them? That doesn't make any sense whatsoever. While I agree more "tact" can be shown when dealing with these type of situations on the forums, it doesn't excuse the fact that something is indeed wrong with a product or service they may have provided.

This is a public forum and whether a product or service is bad or good we are allowed to "voice" our opinions, and I personally appreciate the feedback given on other companies especially of the "negative" nature. It allows me/you (consumers) to make educated decisions on where we spend our hard earned $$.

When I see the same company come up on VARIOUS forums year after year after year with people complaining ...well, the red flag gets raised and my money gets spent elsewhere. Sorry but thats the truth.

Perhaps you'd like to spend your money and get taken for a ride? I dont think so.

This is in no way against Reliable Resin, it's a general statement about posting comments whether positive or negative about our experiences.

Yes you are allowed to voice your opinions. But there is a place for them called Rants and Raves. If you feel you need to vent about something you can start a thread there, and I can ignore it if I want to. The resin thread is for reviews and annoucements about resin cast Items and such. It's just like the issue I had with the "post your builds" hi-jacking. it started out as a rant and someone decided that that was a good place to have people post thier finished models even though we had a perfectly good Forum section for it.

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i for one think it would be a real shame if some back and forth drama resulted in resin manufacturers not being able to make product announcements here. i wouldnt love that idea at all.

now back to your regularly scheduled back and forth.

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Hello everyone,

I feel that I've been accused of cloning some of Dons products, he states that its a "fact" in his post, that "others" have cloned his products...

Now, if anyone would like to see some pictures of my machined aluminum masters, that I've made for a number of my products, for example, 5 hole wheels, rat roaster intake, bird catcher scoop, let me know!

I'm not chiming on any other issue here, I'm just defending myself on cloning!

Thanks for your time,


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Hello everyone,

I feel that I've been accused of cloning some of Dons products, he states that its a "fact" in his post, that "others" have cloned his products...

Now, if anyone would like to see some pictures of my machined aluminum masters, that I've made for a number of my products, for example, 5 hole wheels, rat roaster intake, bird catcher scoop, let me know!

I'm not chiming on any other issue here, I'm just defending myself on cloning!

Thanks for your time,


This is exactly what I'm talking about. Where in this thread were you even mentioned much less accused of anything? please put your comments in the thread where you were accused or start your own elsewhere.

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Well put Greg ,but I wasn't refering to Reliable Resin ,Every time I have dealt with him It has been positive,I was refering to another person on here that has had me waiting,But I'm not mentioning any names,As I feel its not needed to!I wouldn't do that like those other guys!I have been waiting 2 months for 2 resin hoods from that person,And if I don't see them in another week then,I might change my mind!You know who you are.

Oh you are talking about ME, Steve. You got them on the way. Sorry about the wait. They are leaving today. JUST what you order. The 2 charger 500 hoods.

Thank you and I sure did appreciate your business.

Matt Conte


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I'm very interested in what you have to offer,for sale that is. Do you have a link or a thread in the resin section?

Hello everyone,

I feel that I've been accused of cloning some of Dons products, he states that its a "fact" in his post, that "others" have cloned his products...

Now, if anyone would like to see some pictures of my machined aluminum masters, that I've made for a number of my products, for example, 5 hole wheels, rat roaster intake, bird catcher scoop, let me know!

I'm not chiming on any other issue here, I'm just defending myself on cloning!

Thanks for your time,


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So let me get this one right...someone is goin to rant an rave an complain about where an how someone should post a comment..in a topic that realy dont have a topic at all ..( NO DISSRESPECT) .. but isnt that a bit hipacritcal..

i like the fact that jb_hobbies put it out there the way he did ..cuz if you look at said caster , in just about every post on here an in every evilbay list ,an on the web site ..said caster is ALWAYS BASHING ALL OTHER CASTERS IN ONE SHOT . sasyin if its not from ME!!!! it not good or its not right.. BULL SPIT GET OVER UR SELF...

am i the only one who sees this....but yet alot of members will slam the other member for speakin his/or her mind about said caster. or anythingeles.but the fact never comes up that said caster bashes an slams ALL other casters no mater how good there products maybe..And yet not one other caster that ive seen has ever slamed or bashed any other caster out there.publicly that i kw of ( i may be wrong)..

me i love resin parts ......BUT an its abig one , i will not spend my money on over priced parts, some witch i can still get out of a kit off the shelf.....i love jb_hobbies stuff i own a good 100 plus parts of his, as well as some of his detailed motors.. an he will do a 1 of a kind part if u have it or master it he'll cast it,or if its some thin u have an want more of .. an at a cheap price .. find a nother caster that will do that on the spot an get it to you in a 2 weeks or less....,

with all this been said ....YOU BUY FROM CASTER/S.. AN I WILL BYE FROM MINE ....

An if someone fells that i am rantin or raving ..please feel free to hate on meee!!!!!

cuz im a grown a$$ man with big shoulders...an your opinion is just that yours..just like my opinion is just that MINE...along with this caster this an caster that..thats why there are more than ONE RESIN CASTERS OUT THERE for you the buyer to pick the one/s that best fit your needs ..

ok im done venting ...lolololololol...

later days my friends.

Davin oh an im just sayin is all..

Edited by mopar01lee
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Oh you are talking about ME, Steve. You got them on the way. Sorry about the wait. They are leaving today. JUST what you order. The 2 charger 500 hoods.

Thank you and I sure did appreciate your business.

Matt Conte

DENCON SCALE RESIN SPECIALTIES,Ok if you would have read the first post I was sticking up for you guys that keep getting bashed on here,And I didn't call anyone out,Nor did I mention names,But if thaats the way you want to be with me thats fine,I buy ALOT of resin from people,But if you feel my money isn't good enough ,Thats fine with me,II have no problems with waiting for stuff AT ALL!

Matt I did not use your name did I ,Unlike others I have more class then that,All I wanted was 2 hoods ,I think 2 months is long enough to wait,So thank you for sending them to me. Edited by spkgibson
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And as far as me being disrepectfull to ANYONE on here,I respect everything all of these resin casters go through to get the product out to the customers,I know how to handle issues with people,As I am an extreemly reasonable person to deal with!You people out here bashing these casters are shooting yourself in the foot,Let them be,So we can continue to get the excellent products they offer!

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Oh here we go again,Trying to Hi Jack another thread,with some mindless rant,GO BUILD SOMETHING already and let it go!As far as the DUSTERS,The competition resin version is the MPC Body with the emblems and makerlights shaved off,The Reliable Resin version,Has the correct prostock wheel wells and the correct grill and taillights,Not Cloned from the Competition resin kit,Aren't All of the repops of old kits are cloned B) Once again give it a rest,Don't you think you have slandered him enough?

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he could have responded in that other thread had the other thread not been locked B) Dave

You mean the other post in resin, that started as a simple product annoucement that got flamed and then locked? yeah if certain people had allowed that to stay on topic and not hi-jack it for their personal agendas we wouldn't even be having this discussion.

Like I said let's keep the Resin thread to what I assume it's intended purpose is,to inform modelers what's available in resin, and take the nasty stuff to rants and raves so it can be ignored, locked, deleted or debated as the mods see fit.

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i said it before and i'll say it again, time and time again the complaints over and over are ALWAYS about Reliable resin. hate me for speaking my mind all you want but there is no denying the fact that this happens over and over again RELIABLY! almost like clockwork how reliably a complaint will pop up on the forums over and over regarding this ONE resin caster.

There wasn't any issues with the other post ,Untill you chimed it,We all get it Dave,You don't like Reliable Resin, And we are sick of hearing about it , Get off the soapbox,Put down the torch , And go build something! The time wasted doing this type of stuff is a waste of time.

Edited by spkgibson
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