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All American Models resin

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Hey all,

Just wondering if AAM is still around. I hear their resin is good stuff.

Been looking for an resin '58 Edsel Bermuda wagon for something different.

Very hard to find, I might add

Cheers, Ian

I don't believe that they are in business any longer and that's a real shame because they produced some really good stuff. AAM resins show up on EBay from time to time .. I'd sure like to get one of Art's '59 Chevy 2 door sedans.. :):):)

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AAM had some of the best resin pieces around in the day but they are out of business. The former owner is a member here and is a wealth of information about the hobby and many things automotive related.

A wise person once told me that if I find something in resin that interests me, I should buy it as there are no promises it will be available later. That is the case with AAM as I had the chance to buy some of their items back in the day and always told myself "next month I will get that order in" and alas I waited too long!

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That was Art Anderson's operation back in the 1980s thru the mid 1990s. I had not rejoined the hobby then so I missed out, but have managed to collect a few AAM resins. Nothing rare or exotic like the aforementioned Edsel wagon, Taurus wagon, or some of the other rare pieces that command big $$$ in the secondary market. Glad to have them in my collection and hope the Good Lord grants me enough time on this rock to build them all.

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