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firethorn aka Frank Cole jr

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Hi my fellow builders and traders!!! I am looking for "firethorn" aka Frank Cole jr. I sent him 2 model kits that I know he recieved(delivery confirmation # proves it)!!! I have PM'd and e-mailed him with no response.He just fell off the face of the Earth?? Frank,if you are out there...Please contact me!!! So, does anyone know how to contact or find him?? If so,please contact me via PM or e-mail...Thanks everyone for your time...Roy Lingefelt

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Roy, I'm in the middle of a deal with JR right now, and have no fear, he will hold his end of the bargin. I've traded with him quite a bit and he is very trustworthy. I just checked to see when my last PM from him was and it was Feb 2 since I've talked with him, but there are some personal problems in his life right now. I won't go into details as it's not my place to tell the entire forum what he told me in privacy, but be assured from me, you WILL NOT be taken by JR. Sometimes life takes more importance over models.

By the way, I also just checked his profile, he has not even been online since Feb 3. Please have patience with him. B)

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Roy, I'm in the middle of a deal with JR right now, and have no fear, he will hold his end of the bargin. I've traded with him quite a bit and he is very trustworthy. I just checked to see when my last PM from him was and it was Feb 2 since I've talked with him, but there are some personal problems in his life right now. I won't go into details as it's not my place to tell the entire forum what he told me in privacy, but be assured from me, you WILL NOT be taken by JR. Sometimes life takes more importance over models.

By the way, I also just checked his profile, he has not even been online since Feb 3. Please have patience with him. :D

Hey Matt!! It isn't a matter of trust, but a buisness arrangement.We communicated alot back and forth alot and came to a deal,I sent him 2 kits and he was able to PM me to say he got them and they were great,that he would send my kit out in the morning...That was 2 weeks ago.Then he PM's me on 2-1-11 saying that his brother-in-law had to be operated on(I know some details of that),I have no arguement with that.My father passed away 1-23-11...So I didn't stop communicating with people or fulfilling my obligations to anyone. I'm not mad,but what bothers me is he could take one minute to say "Hey,something else came up and I can't deal with this right now,can i get back with you a little later?" would go a long way!!!He didn't,as far as i know he could be dead!!! Thats extreme! But with no communication whatsoever...What would you do?? Thanks for hearing me out...Roy
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But with no communication whatsoever...What would you do?? Thanks for hearing me out...Roy

I'd do exactly what I'm doing, being patient. I'm not trying to start anything with you, but I've dealt with JR many times, and I know from experience I'll get what I'm waiting for, and the same will go for you. There is just sometimes life and more importantly family is more important than model cars or even turning on the computer, so do what I've been doing and say an extra prayer for him and his family. :D

I'm also sorry to hear of your loss Roy, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family also.

Edited by highway
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I'd do exactly what I'm doing, being patient. I'm not trying to start anything with you, but I've dealt with JR many times, and I know from experience I'll get what I'm waiting for, and the same will go for you. There is just sometimes life and more importantly family is more important than model cars or even turning on the computer, so do what I've been doing and say an extra prayer for him and his family. :lol:

I'm also sorry to hear of your loss Roy, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family also.

Thank you for the prayers Matt...Roy
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