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Does anyone here Photo etch ?

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Many Thanks for posting that link. Very interesting and looks quite simple once someone tells you how to do it.



No problem,this link was giving to me by a dear friend, but one thing to remember is to cover the rear of the etch, so that it doesn't attack the back, use primer, tape, just some to stop the etch

unless you are etching both sides, really all that etching is, is a cover to stop the etch ...... etching, have heard of people using marker pens on very thin brass

The above link is a simple way to do it, to etch properly, you need some very harsh chemicals, like ferric chloride as the etchant, and sodium hydroxide at the stripper, uv light....... and the list goes on

Have a go at it, and show us the results

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I've successfully done it this ways for small and not very detailed items items. I see they have gone high tech. They used to have an article where you drew your pattern directly onto a sanded, to remove the plastic coating, with a magic marker. Color things black that you want to keep. Remove the black where you want metal removed. Be sure to paint the whole backside black or cover it with a piece of tape.

I suppose it could be combiner with the first link for finer detail. They also sell something called iron on photo resist paper for that purpose.

Edited by wisdonm
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