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peterbilt 377 a/e

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hi everyone i wanted to post this here for you all "fellers" to see its the 377 ae kit... the red one with the flags on it!...

i posted this over at the truckstop a while ago but again i wanted you guys to see it!

heres where i started with the frame!-


heres the front axle minus the tie rod im still working on making it poseible!


and heres the rear axles the first one i screwed up on and im in the middle of fixing so once i get that fixed ill give you guys updates on the progress-



heres the airbags that i detailed with a "special item"!-



what do you'll think should i stick with the series 60 or do a swap for a cat 3406?


even though the instructions say paint the 60 in yellow! duh! its detroit not cat italeri!



comments and suggestions welcomed! :)

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its not a fleet as far as it goes right now but hey you know how plans change on the fly huh?

im actually building this as a nice o/o i will be the driver! ;)

im going to be using the kit decals (the red one with the flags!

catch you later i gotta meeting to be at right now!~ :blink:

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hey guys updates i fixed the axle!



and did a little more work

starting to install the cat 3406 just to see what kinda work will be needed and it looks like not a whole lot of mods to the mounts!

maybe someone can get me a pic of how the mounts look for a 3406 in a 377 ae if thats possible so it would be more accurate!



but i dont know i still may stick with the series 60! :lol:

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hi guys i gotta small but HHHHUUUUGGGGGEEEE!!!! update all at the same time here.

the front steering rod thingy! (im having mind farts like you wouldnt believe today!) rivoted on and get this it didnt envolve any "heat"!

heres the sprue i used out of the parts bag (yeh not a box!)






when i just couldnt believe what i just had done!

i yelled out"D@MN IM GOOD!" i think i disturbed the slumber of the house cat here!


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man i guess im a modeling machine! :blink:

i worked on it some more.

here is where i modified the drive shaft that goes in b/w the two rear drive axles.

it just looked to "plasticie!"

heres the photos-



heres the front shocks on!


rear shocks- (probably is not the best pic!)


heres the completed frame! just prior to paint... i think i gotta stop by the paint store first before i get any paint work done!

dang it!


by the way i need some help i looked at the possible engine swap for the 3406 but it looks like i wont beable to use it cause in a 1:1 the axle would come up and slam in to the oil pan on the very first bump and cause all kinds of engine issues!

so is there another cat motor that would work minus the 3408?

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Is it the sump or the oilpan itself that hits the axle? If it's the sump, you can just stich the oilpan around.

huh? never seen a 3406 with the oil pan switched around like your talking and yes its the sump part that will get the damage! :)

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sean if you have a scribing tool then you can use it to cut out along the line on the bottom of the block where the oil pan meets it, youll have to fill in the back/ now the front of the pan but it should be a purdy easy job. if you dont have a scriber try using the back side of the model knife. good luck :lol::lol::lol:

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sean if you have a scribing tool then you can use it to cut out along the line on the bottom of the block where the oil pan meets it, youll have to fill in the back/ now the front of the pan but it should be a purdy easy job. if you dont have a scriber try using the back side of the model knife. good luck :lol::lol::lol:

ive been thinking of doing that but i need to look at it closer if i do that just to make sure i dont screw up or something! :lol:

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...


i swithced the oilpan without destroying anything... even myself!lol!

i did scribe it but i just have some more work done on it and i even painted the frame!(dont have pics of that though even though i will here an alittle while!



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heres the shots of the frame painted and even the roof is installed on the cab (dont know why i did that now its going to be tricky to paint the interior the flat red its suppose to be!)




comments and criticizm welcomed! B)

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heres the shots of the frame painted and even the roof is installed on the cab (dont know why i did that now its going to be tricky to paint the interior the flat red its suppose to be!)




comments and criticizm welcomed! :)

bump B) im going to have an couple updates for you folks in a couple days but not tomarrow due to its my brothers birthday party we are going to!

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  • 2 months later...

ok heres where im at so far i have the radiator all assembled and i have the battery holders assembled ready for paint and detailing which i ran out of chassie black so i will have to get more but heres the pics!



as always comments and criticism welcomed! :D

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  • 3 months later...

hey guys i think i figured out how to get the intake piping things (non trucker building model trucks! :lol: ) done and then ill get some update posted pics up here for you folks so hang tight while i get the piping all done first then 2nd will be the pics!

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