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strippin paint

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looking to know best option for removing testors sprzy can gloss red( this the main problem) i think it was a old can. anyhow it also has a flat back base over the model. i wanna strip it to the plastic. or at least to the black.(if thats possable!

i asked on another thread and didnt get answers.

one person said 91% rubbing alcohol and one said simple green does wonders. what im looking to know is when i get said products. What do i do with them? soak, scrub, a combo of both ?

i wanna try to bring the model back to life. like i said the flat back i used as a primer looks great. the red not so good so i wanna get it off. so if you know how in a quick or in-depth detail how to i'd tank you so much. god knows i've gotten so much more better info from this site before!

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Well Gary, I've removed Testors paint using DOT3 Brake Fluid and Pine-sol, I kid you not, both have left the plastic unharmed (one even left it pine fresh) and I mearly filled up a container large enough for the body to fit in and submerged the body in it for about 1-3 days depending on the age of the paint job, and thickness.

hope this helps you.


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Different paints require different strippers, so you may need to try a few things - for a few days each.

Standard strippers are EZ Off oven cleaner from your grocery store (I've had no luck with the lemon-scented stuff), 91 or 99 percent isopropyl alcohol (from your drugstore), Purple Power/Cleaner (home store or auto supply) and DOT 3 brake fluid (auto supply store). You can also try mixing the Purple Cleaner with some alcohol. None of those will hurt a styrene plastic model.

Don't use lacquer thinner or acetone! Those chemicals will ruin plastic, big time. So will (duh) heat.

The other day I was trying to strip some Testors Vinyl Top Texture stuff. I tried all four standard strippers, with no results at all. Actually, the brake fluid seemed to make the stuff harder! Luckily, the junk was on a couple of small parts, so I finally sanded it off and painted over the residue. The whole process took about ten days. Arrrgh.

Edited by Ddms
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i just cut a milk jug in half and did one bottle 91 proof alcohol and a bottle of pine sol, and in lell then 18 hours im down to clean plastic some spots will need to be adressed, but hey im happy, not that paint hides anything but, but how should i go about covering some of the darker spots if i cant remove them? i have no problem doing the truck gloss black.

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I have used DOT 3 brake fluid in a food storage container - Rubbermaid-like or one of the reusable Zip-lock containers - I purchased at a local dollar store. Mark the container with a Sharpie so you don't inadvertantly put left-over casarole in it.

I soaked it for about a day and, with rubber gloves on, I washed the parts thouroughly with warm water.

If one day doesn't get the paint off - put it back in the brake fluid for another day. Repeat until the desired results. The parts aren't entirely uneffected by the soak - for example - white parts may come out a nice tan/cloudy color. Or colored parts come out the molded color - only cloudy. But if your painting it really doesn't matter.

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Toss it in a bowl of Dot 3 brake fluid and give it a couple of hours soaking time. Using an OLD toothbrush scrub it down, re-soak if needed.

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