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WIP 55 Chevy with issues

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I have been working on this 55 Chevy to try and get it finished in time to give to my dad on Fathers day, I havent built any models in years and up until this point I have never used an airbrush. I was well on my way to getting the paint to the next round of wetsanding as well as clear etc. and when I pulled the masking tape off I ended up pulling a couple small spots of paint off with it.

I was using the blue 3M painters tape as I had good results using it on wood trim and also Pactra fastape for the finer lines. Im not sure if the 3M tape is that bad on a model car or I simply left it on too long (4 days) while the paint dried really good. I have a few questions that I need help with.

1. Will parafilm pull off paint from the edges like the 3M did? If so whats the absolute best masking tape?

2. Can I simply touch up the where the paint came off or will I have to airbrush it again? I dont want to airbrush it anymore as I would have to mask it off again and would probably come up with the same results.

3. Wheres the best/cheapest place to buy sandpaper in bulk in high grits like 6,000 and above? The highest grit I have found was 4,000 at Advance. I have the variety packs for hobbies that go up to 12,000 grit but they are pretty small and I seem to go through them pretty quick not to mention they are not too cheap. It seems to me that sandpaper is sandpaper as long as its the correct grit and made for wetsanding?

Thanks for any and all help guys, heres a link to the pics.


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hey bud, i can partialy answer no.1 hobby masking tape is the best one to use. the main brand that pops up is tamiya. i know 3M makes some tape similar to tamiya tape, but i dont know what they named it. i have 2 rolls that were just given to me, they have the 3M logo on the inside of the roll.

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I ended up going out of town at the spur of the moment, I didnt plan on the model sitting for 4 days before I peeled off the 3M tape. I just got a roll of Parafilm in the mail today so Im gonna give it a try and see if its any better. If it doesnt work any better then I will order some of the Tamiya tape.

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I really would like to start all over but I dont think I will have enough time to get the model finished before Fathers day with my work schedule. I may try to touch it up anyway and if still dont look right then I will strip it down and start from scratch re-painting it. :angry:

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as usual, tamiya leads the race.

but for sandpaper, or more exactly i suppose, emery cloth, the pieces sold in or to go with polishing kits are the best. 2000 to 12000 grit, that 12000 stuff is like sanding with your breath. not cheap but nothing good is. i would doubt youre gonna find fine enough paper/cloth in auto parts stores but i guess its possible.

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Unfortunately, the polishing grit cloths are a bit pricey. However, the better ones are cloth backed and will last a very long time. I'm still using a kit I got about 20 years ago. A quick check on Amazon had a woodworking shop that sell 3" x 6" sheets of it for $3.99 each, $6.95 shipping. You'd probably be able to combine shipping for multiple sheets.


If you're near a small airport with repair facilities, you might stop in and ask where they get theirs, as it's used for aircraft plexiglass windows, too.

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You may be able to cut a small hole in a piece of paper and spray through it. You may still have to mask but not so much and then polish out the bit of over-spray (had to do this on the '58 Impala after breaking the post).

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