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I'm an old(er) guy who built many a model car when they were $2 each. (Hint)

It's been a very long time since I put one together. But I want to build a 1969 Camaro convertible for my drum teacher. (Yes, I'm leraning to play the drums at my age.)

So, I used Google to look for a kit. None match my teacher's car exactly so I'm going to have to do some improvising.

I need to buy two Revell kits to get the proper model because his is not an RS Camaro. I need a convertible body from one kit which has an RS grille and the correct grille from the other kit to use on that body.

This Camaro has the 1968 bumblebee stripe on it and I found decals from Keith Marks. I looked for information on how to contact Keith but feel I'm on the wrong path.

I can see his work at Fotki. Here's a link... http://public.fotki.com/mofobow/

But I don't seem to be able to order the decals from that site. Just post cards. I need the white '68 Nose Stripe decals here... http://public.fotki.com/mofobow/chevy/camaro/68_camaro_nose_stripe/68_camaro_nosestrip-1.html

Can anyone help me find a website to order this decal?

I'm looking forward to getting back into this hobby. I've done hundreds of them back in the day. I see on this site that some of you are excellent builders and the new stuff available today was unheard of back then.

Thanks for all your help and I'll be putting up some pics of this build as it progresses. Wish me luck.


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Welcome Rob. If you have not already bought the 69 Camaro convertable yet, consider the Revell Z28 coupe. It has both grills, standard and RS. You can remove the top to make the convertable. I personaly like this model better than the AMT issue. Both are good models, but you may be able to save a little. The convertable boot ia avalible from several resin casters. Please post some pictures when you get going on this, I realy like these cars.

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