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What in the world...????

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My son just bought an AMT '68 Corvette at Wallyworld, and we got a real surprise when we opened it. All the body parts were painted some kind of purple, and the paint job was the worst I have seen in a long time. The paint is too thin, with the white plastic shining through everywhere, there are dustspecks, scratches and scuff marks all over and the sheen varies between gloss and semi-gloss. In short: It looks like a one-minute rattle can job, without even shaking the can.

It looks like some kid started to paint it, changed his mind after the lousy paint job and brought it back to Walmart. The strange thing is that it was still wrapped. So what gives? Is this some kind of pre-painted kit, or did someone really paint it, put it back in the box, wrap it and put it on Walmart's shelf? Looks like I need to get some oven cleaner next time I go shopping...



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Sorry, it is indeed a Revell kit. :oops: And even if I have seen a lot of crappy pre-painted kits, I would hate to think that this is one of them. The paint is just too bad, and it looks more like it was started, returned and re-wrapped. I didn't know that they could do that in the store though, and it looked just like the factory wrap to me. Well, I guess I'll have to dig up the receipt and take it back to the store. I sure don't want to start a new model by stripping paint. :roll:

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Cool! I didn't know that they would do that so I actually bought a jug of Super Clean today. I have got several things I need to strip and was planning a big session this weekend but I will sure take that kit back to Walmart now. Got an old Chevy SB I need to degrease and disassemble, so that Super Clean will be put to good use anyway.

Thanks for the tip!

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I just went in to a Wal Mart here in Florida a couple of days ago and picked up a reissued AMT 58 Plymouth Fury. When I went out to my car I was still waiting for my wife to come out of another store so I opened the kit. What I found inside was an AMT Firefighter Mustang II pro stock kit. Apparently someone had returned the kit like that and the store went ahead and re-wrapped it and put it back on the shelf.

Now the kicker is that when I went back inside to return it, the customer service person basically accused me of going outside and switching the kits myself. She wasn't so cocky after I called for her store manager.

But this is what happens when your store employees care nothing about customer service. So, buyer beware. When you buy a kit at WalMart open it up before you drive away.

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Brought it back to Walmart yesterday, and the lady behind the counter didn't argue at all, she just gave me a gift card and that was it. I asked her if they re-wrap any merchandise, but she said that they don't. I seriously doubt that, so I made clear to her that the kit is defective and to make sure that it doesn't end up on the shelf again.

I wanted to get another one just like it, but they didn't have any. I might go back today now that I know that they don't have any in stock. If I find a nicely re-wrapped '68 Corvette on the shelf I'll probably raise a huge stink... :wink:

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Hmmm... The plot thickens. :mrgreen: Anyway, the kit was supposed to be a Father's Day present from my 6-year old son and after returning the kit, I couldn't find another one in any of the stores nearby. I finally ordered one from my favorite hobby store, because I know that my son will be seriously disappointed if I don't build it asap. I didn't tell him anything about what happened, I just hope that I will get the kit before he starts bugging me to build it. All because some lowlife screwed it up and returned it to the store. :roll:

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