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Paint Problems- Need Help

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Hi All,

I just got back into modeling and decided to build something simple to get back into the groove of working on plastic again. I have a lot of painting experience, almost 20 years of painting 1:1 cars but I quit painting back in the mid 80's to go to art college. So I have been away from the field for some time.

I started building models when I was about 10 years old and always had something I was working on up until I went to college. I have bult a few models since then but they have been pretty much box stock and sprayed with Testors rattle can enamels.

I have been lurking around here reading up on new materials and processes and decided to do a pretty much box stock AMT 1969 Cougar CJ428 (which was one of my first real cars).

I started by cleaning up the body and then priming it with Tamiya white primer. I put about 3 coats on letting it tack off between coats. Let it dry for 3 days before blocking the body with 1000 grit and then gave it another couple of coats of primer and another couple of days drying. All was well and the body was looking very good.

So I was ready to apply color and chose Tamiya Racing Blue (rattle can). I decanted it into a jar and let it sit open for a couple of hours until I didn't see any more bubbles and put it in my airbrush and sprayed 3 light coats. I let it dry for a couple of days before I color sanded and put the final color coats on (1 light coat and 1 wet). Looking beautiful at this point.

Another couple of days dry time and I lightly blocked it with 1200 and ready for the clear.

Now is where the problem is...

The guy at the hobby shop suggested Testors Gloss Coat (lacquer) and said it was great stuff for what I wanted so that is what I used. I decanted it and let it sit for a couple of hours and put it in my airbrush but on a test spray it was not coming out smooth so I added a touch of thinner. I am using a very fast thinner so I wasn't too concerned...

After the second coat I noticed it didn't seem to be laying down very smooth so I let it flash off for about a half hour.

When I came back the hood, roof and deck lid had crazed... I got my wifes hair drier and proceded to help the drying along to keep it from crazing any more. I gave it about 45 minutes under low heat to try and bake out the thinners which did seem to stop the crazing.

Now a day and a half later the paint seems gummy and soft. I suspect it is the Testors Gloss that is the problem.

I am not sure if anyone had had this problem and if there is anything I can do to fix it or should I just plan on stripping it.

I would love to post a pic so you can see what I am talking about but the forum will not let me... :-(

So to explain... The crazing is not horrible and most of the paint laid down very smooth, mainly on the hood and roof. If the paint actually dries I could probably wet sand it out and buff it but I am not sure at this point.

Any ideas/suggestions?


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Got some help with uploading pics... ;)

First one is a shot showing that the problem is not the entire car, just part of the hood, roof and deck lid. Sides are nice and glossy as it should be.

Second is a close up showing the problem better.

Hope these help. I also stripped all the chrome and used Alclad II for the first time... nice stuff :)



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