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done with the hobby i think

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Ok , I'll throw my 2 cents in here as well , I have had to shelve all hobbies at various times due to various reasons (work , non hobby friendly partners , lack of time , (now ex) wife wanting to destroy anything I enjoyed , frustration with one model or full sized car etc) but have always only reduced the collection to the core elements and packed them away for a while . Frustration eases , situations change , you get more time , whatever . Life is in constant evolution so it doesn't matter where you are and how much time you can get for your hobby , or how much something pisses you off , it's good to have it on standby to get back to when you can . I have owned the mini my username comes from (1963 Morris Sports 850) since 1992 , it will be the last mini item I will EVER sell and it's always been the core of my collection . Even at the darkest of my marriage , when mini was a forbidden thought let alone anything to spend time on (my ex wife suffered severe post natal depression and an anxiety disorder that she blamed entirely on me , it's always struck me as odd that they say one person suffers from depression or mental illness , yes the person diagnosed suffers but everyone around them suffers too) I knew it was downstairs and safe and I knew I would get the time to get back to it one day . Now I have a fantastic girlfriend who doesn't care what I spend my time on and understands my passion for mini's (her brother has 7 GPZ1100 Kawasaki road bikes so she understands obsession) . Whatever is going on in your life that is burning you out from this hobby will probably pass and 12 months , 2 years , 5 years from now you'll get the itch again and have to start again from scratch . There are countless people in the mini community who have told me they wished they had kept their special cars or other parts of their collections when they sold them for whatever reason that seemed final at the time .

Hmmm , I'm drifting off course a bit here now ... WhatI would say is , box everything up and put it in the garage/spare room/parents place/mates place/wherever so it's out of sight and you aren't tripping over it daily and leave it there for 6 months or a year , see if in that time you want to sit down and build something or want to fidle with something . If there is no interest after 12 months or so then have a think about it again and see if you really want to sell up and try something else . Just don't do something you might regret later .

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just cant get into it anymore would rather work on my real toys. or am i in just a in low spot

Every spring I get in the same spot; warmer weather comes along and I do more stuff outside with my 1:1 toys and my family. Every fall/early winter gets me back into plastic again. I've been building for over 30 years, and my occasional breaks probably add up to 3-4 years altogether.

That being said, I will echo the sentiment from the previous posts: don't sell it off, just pack it away for the proverbial rainy....or snowy....day.

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I've been in and out of the hobby for over 50 years but, always managed to hang on to a few models (not always my best ones). I always gave it up when it seemed to me no one cared about my models, so why waste my time? Once I found a support group at the local hobby store I was back to point of no return. We get together monthly with our common interest. A month is too long so this forum seems to fill my need. If I get tired of building or just want to take a break I get on here and see what others are doing. Don't give up, it will pass, hang in there. This is my life blood.

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