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Parafilm tip

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I have not seen this in any posts yet but it is a trick I use. After I get my main coats and clear coats put on the body I polish and wax it to a finish shine. I then put Para-film down the sides and on the roof so I can handle the car while putting on the final detail and putting it all together. After I get the engine compartment details done and am totally finished putting the model together I remove the para-film and do a quick wipe down with a cleaner/ wax. Hope this will help.

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Parafilm is a film that when you stretch it it becomes tacky and will stick to surfaces. I do a lot of engine details and window trim. After I paint a body and polish it out I put Parafilm down the sides and across the top as to not scratch, nick or get finger prints all over it as I do engine detail. Just pull it off and rub it down and it will be protected. Here is one I just rapped up.


Unfortunately I cannot keep face prints off of it.


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Very good tip as I've done this in the past years ago. Just one caveat...............make sure the paint is THOROUGHLY cured and dry before putting on the Parafilm!

Failing to do so will end up having the Parafilm as part of the paint job.............not a good thing! ;)

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No Press N Seal is different as it is always tacky. This you have to stretch to activate and it kinda shrinks to the body so it wraps nicely. I had Press and Seal leave a gluey film on a perfect body before that I could not get off. The body had sat in a box wrapped in paper towels for 2 years before I got it out and finished so I know it was not that the body was still wet. Never had a problem with parafilm except I put it on a body and then put it in a dehydrator. Definitely a NO NO.

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