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New Guy Here

VW Bug

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Hello everyone. my name is yoann nicolazic, i am 17 years old, i live in minnesota (brooklyn park for all you other minnesotans), and i am french. i moved to the US 8 years ago and so far it's been great. Here is a picture of my first almost done model. the reason that i say "first" is because i've started building other models before, but always found an excuse to stop because i had "messed up". thus, they ended up either forgotten, or in the trash. this one, though, i plan on finishing, so if you guys could give me some constructive criticism (on the paintjob for example, because it looks crappy), that would be really appreciated.

all right, here it is, a chevy ssr painted flat black.










these pics are prob too big, so if someone, or the mods, could fix it and give me some pointers on how to reduce picture sizes, that would be nice.

thanks for lookin'

p.s. please excuse the bad pic quality, i have to get better at taking pics with my new camera.

p.p.s. sorry for the double posting, mods please delete this one. thanks

Edited by VW Bug
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First Yoann the build is going along nicely.Not much of a painter myself but I can give a couple of tips that seemed to have helped me in the past.First wash the model with dishsoap and warm water.Then shoot it with some primer and then wetsand the primer.It give the paint something to grab a hold of and stick better.Some sand before the primer.Myself I have tried and didn't see the differance.

BTW,never throw a model in the trash.You can always save parts fer a future build :D

Keep on building.That's the only way to get better.

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It kinda looks like to much paint at one time, this causes runs and sags . Its flat black so sanding the blemishes out wont be to hard...practice on some old bodies...flat black is pretty easy to paint..dont try to cover the entire body in one coat...trial and error can be costly, even worse with gloss paints.

Edited by BIGTRUCK
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