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The Wreck


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That's just the thing... A disclaimer on the ticket might protect NASCAR if they are sued, but it can't protect them from being sued, and it doesn't cover everybody who might be found "at fault". The case would still go to court and waste time and money, even if the ultimate decision is "The fan knew what they were getting into, and NASCAR stated clearly they were not responsible".

Well, that's absolutely true. The promoter of a short track that I worked at many years ago told me how often he was sued. When I asked what about the release that everybody in the pits signs he told me sure, but I still have to pay my attorney to carry that release into court and show it to the judge to get the case thrown out.

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As my family lawyer says, "the waiver on the back of an event ticket is there in hopes of convincing the holder not to sue. "

But it has been shown in case after case in the end it is almost worthless except to maybe lessen their degree of liability. It will usually be used to get the party to settle out of court(which is usually what the lawyers want) but still rarely will it keep a case out of court if pursued that far and rarely will it get the track or what ever venue off the hook with a jury who as we all know tend to award the plaintiff what they personally would like to get as a settlement!

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Nobody ever said that racing is safe. Spectators have always been at risk in motorsports also.

AJ Allminflinger said it best. We as race car drivers realize the dangers that come with racing and are willing to risk it all to go fast for a win. Its something us race car drivers should have to deal with not the race fans. I was just so happy to see that when all the drivers were interviewed, not one of them clean down to including the young Dillon boy put the fans first saying how they hoped everyone of them were ok.

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