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Decal question

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if the decal itself has the clear carrier in areas that is not seen as your actual DECAL, per say, very carefully placed slits with a new no. 11 xacto blade may help in the clear carrier areas. however, I have always found, for about 35 years now,....that SOLVASET brand solution works the best for these tough jobs. if you are wary that the solution will burn or dis-tort your image,..and it can if too much is applied,..i use a small plastic bowl,..any type,...cut your solvaset 50/50 with fresh tepid water, and that should help you. the solvaset can be mixed and thinned with water to your liking for delicate and older decals,...hope this helps. regards, a.c. oh, stay away from testors decal set, its truly pure junk,....and even though some people swear by 2 part microsol/ set stuff, I have always found it to be messy , and usually can leave staining on your paint even after cleaned and polished.....burns thru your decals and paint as well.....

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