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Warped California - Reshaping Warped Bodies

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I just picked up the Revell Ferrari California - a decent looking kit overall. Anyway, it looks like when the kit was packed they taped the bag too tightly to the body. So now I have a warped A pillar and windshield (it is the open top model). How do I correct this? I was considering dunking the body in hot water for a bit and then trying to bend it back but would a hair dryer or heat gun work better? Any other ideas? Thanks!

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I just picked up the Revell Ferrari California - a decent looking kit overall. Anyway, it looks like when the kit was packed they taped the bag too tightly to the body. So now I have a warped A pillar and windshield (it is the open top model). How do I correct this? I was considering dunking the body in hot water for a bit and then trying to bend it back but would a hair dryer or heat gun work better? Any other ideas? Thanks!

Why not contact Revell, let them replace the body shell?


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