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OK, how about an MLB rant...


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sweet and simple, why do they want to shorten the time it takes to play a baseball game when there is no clock in the sport? lets compare..

NFL - 60 minute game, takes 3 hours

basketball - 48 minutes, takes 3 hours

if you have ever been to a game, the pitchers during their warm-ups between innings are ready within 30 seconds to a minute, but they have 3 to 5 minutes of commercial time. if you cut just 1 minute of commercial time between half innings, you would save 15 to 20 minutes right there. the game (in all sports) is not long, the business end of sports is way too long. eliminate TV time outs (in all sports) and you can shorten all the games. for instance, why do we have to go to a commercial AFTER a kickoff? senseless to me.

now. low scoring games in baseball can be played in 2 hours, high scoring games and extra inning games take longer. you ask most people, they want to see offense, that calls for a longer game. they say it take on average 3 hours and 10 minutes to play a (timeless) game, there are 4,860 games played each year. if this is an average, that means 2,430 are played in a sorter time that it takes to play a 60 minute football game or a 48 minute basketball game. it took almost 4 hours to play the Seattle/Green Bay game yesterday....

baseball is fine, cut the commercials down and you will be all right.

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