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Little purple Ford coupe

Harry P.

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That's a pretty interesting idea.

Maybe I should do a step-by-step "tutorial" some time. But unless you're into Photoshop, it might be a little boring, don't you think? I dunno...maybe it's worth doing?

think badk a wee bits Harry, in this here forum, AA ( :o ) were some souls seeking some PS guidemance. The whole place reeks of inspiration, so....... slipknot, I mean, why not? aint like any of us're gonna take yer job :P none of us could write yer name like ya do :lol::blink:

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Very nice. I think some basics on PS could help. I have a friend who used to do a drawing by hand, scan it then do everything else in PS. I am pretty sure he does it all on computer now. I have enough trouble drawing on paper in front of me, I know I don't have the eye, hand, mouse coordination down.


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that's sweet, Harry. totally drawn & brushed eh? any chance we could ever see some WIP images fer one of yer 'builds'?

:( pwetty please?

Ok...next time I do one, I'll keep a step-by-step record of how it comes together and do a WIP sort of thing.

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Drawn from what?

I start out my Photoshopped drawings from a line drawing like this:


The line drawing is first sketched out on a white piece of paper in pencil and then inked with a RAPIDOGRAPH technical drawing pen.

Which end up looking like this:


Not to put you on the spot, as your art is beautiful... but I am just wondering how you start out? :(

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Drawn from what?

Not to put you on the spot, as your art is beautiful... but I am just wondering how you start out? :lol:

I usually start by creating the basic body shape. Let's say I'm doing a blue car...I'll "draw" the basic shape of the body with the "lasso" tool and/or the ellipse tool...it depends. As you know there are about 20 ways to do anything in Photoshop, it's very adaptive to individual styles of working. Once I have the basic shape outlined I'll use the paint bucket tool to "dump" my basic color into the shape. Then I go and "refine" the shape if necessary by cleaning up the edges and the curves. At that point I'll have a solid blue shape of the body. Then I'll add highlights, shadows, etc...each on separate layers. I'll go back in with the airbrush tool, the paintbrush tool and the eraser to refine and adjust the highlights and shadows. Once I'm satisfied with everything, I'll merge the layers (to keep file size down and my sanity intact!). Then I'll move on to another area...maybe the grille, maybe the wheels, maybe the interior...it all depends on how I feel that day!

Basically, I create the shape and fill with color, then define the planes and angles and light and shadow with various combinations of airbrush, paintbrush and eraser tools. Then I move on to the next "shape"...grille, wheel, whatever, and build up the details the same way.

It sounds complicated when it's put into words...it would be much easier to understand if you could watch "over my shoulder" as I worked.

That's why I think I'll do a step-by-step type of thing next time. In this case a picture really is worth 1,000 words (or more!).

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:lol: Cool explanation Harry. Really neat how you work on one 'part', getting 'it' done, then moving on to another one, a lot like working with the styrene parts. I can relate to your merging layers as I would lose track of them all. Again, kind of like working with the styrene parts, sanding, painting, etc--'merging' the part with the paint.

I'm part of a band, 'Persephone's Dream'-- http://www.persephonesdream.com/music.html , and the artist, 'Audre', who does our artwork does fantastic computer artwork. The last album, 'Pyre of Dreams', we couldn't get in touch with her and deadlines were looming. Time was a very critical factor because when Audre does her artwork, she keeps all her many, many layers seperate until the whole image is 'done'. When she does finally 'merge' all the layers, it literally takes days to flatten the image <ahttp://www.modelcarsmag.com/forums/uploads/emoticons/default_laugh.png' alt=':lol:'> ! If you're interested here's a tutorial she did for an illustration for the song 'Stormchaser' by PD--http://www.scribd.com/doc/2826986/Making-Stormchaser-by-audre-weirdart-com I and another artist were recruited to come up with an alternate album art package while waiting to hear from Audre. She had family problems at the time, but finally got her version to us and thus we have 2 versions of 'Pyre of Dreams'.

Looking forward to whatever you post. Nice to have you and Jairus, and yer way kool rods, with us :lol:

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I checked out the tutorial you linked to. Just as I suspected, she uses a lot of filters, 3D rendering stuff and graphic effects that Photoshop has. The difference with my way of working is that I almost never use any of the "built-in" effects. I "draw" everything by using just a few tools...Polygon lasso and/or ellipse tool to create my basic shapes, the paint bucket to "dump" color into the shape, and the airbrush, paintbrush and eraser to define highlights, shadows and details. I do each step on a new layer, but periodically as I go I merge several layers together. If I never merged layers, I'd wind up with 100 layers, and it would be incredibly confusing to try and keep track of what's on each layer. It would drive me crazy to work like that!

Just about the only built-in filter effect I ever use is the Pixielate-Mezzotint filter. I use it to create the texture of asphalt...it's the fastest way of doing it. I guess I could use a rough airbrush pattern and "spray" the texture, but the mezzotint filter does the job faster and more uniformly.

Basically the way I build the illustration in Photoshop is very much the same way I would do it if I was airbrushing it...one section at a time. On the purple Ford, I don't remember exactly what the sequence was, but I probably started with the body, then the hood, the grille, the engine and then the interior. I would have done the wheels last, then the background. That order isn't cast in stone...I may do it differently the next time, but I generally do it "piece by piece" like that. But as I get more "pieces" finished, I'll go back and refine areas that I had "finished" before.

Edited by harrypri
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Good for you Harry, just using a few tools very well and not relying on the filters doing your work. I finally had to un-install my PS7 coz I got addicted to that--seeing what the filters would do. End of last year, doing a couple pieces for a show, I literally lived in PS7 for 2 weeks. As you mentioned previously, there's like 20 ways you can do just about anything there, and I would apply a filter, then go to 'fade filter' and I just had to see what fading each and every aspect of the filter looked like. Sometimes it was a good thing-it improved the art, but more often than not I would wind up removing the effect completely and try another filter, going thru the same long drawn out process. It is nice that PS has all that it has, and sometimes I wish, and probably some others too, that we could just hit the 'undo' button on our builds and start over, but......back to the basics, and stickin with them, leads to experience, and fewer times reaching for that 'undo' button. I'd say you've mastered your tools, and thanks so much for sharing your builds here and in the mag with us. :rolleyes:

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Yeah, you can just play with the PS filters for days! And then there's the add-on 3rd party filters. There is SO MUCH stuff built into Photoshop...I literally have used it every day for many years and there are STILL parts of it I've either never used or don't know how to use!

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got anymore pics to share. man i would love to have one of your drawings as my avatar. Got any customs

Check the back issues of the magazine starting around a year ago. I've done a lot of customs in the Sketchpad feature...lead sleds, VW Beetles, pickups, 50s cruisers, you name it. If you like any of them let me know and I'll send you a version that you can use as an avatar.

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Check the back issues of the magazine starting around a year ago. I've done a lot of customs in the Sketchpad feature...lead sleds, VW Beetles, pickups, 50s cruisers, you name it. If you like any of them let me know and I'll send you a version that you can use as an avatar.

problem is i dont have any back issues and basicly have no place to get them :( .If you have any on your computer let me know as if that would be okay for you email them to me.

Edited by sdrodder
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