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What should be pulling this trailer?

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Anthony, the thought did seriously cross my mind doin a ford similar to yours

Personally I think the trailer would look better with just 2 axles. Keep in mind MPC first released this kit back in the early 1970's and they were based in Michigan, as was Fruehauf, so the tri axle was a familiar sight.

Edited by Modeltruckbuilder
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Whats the difference between the road boss and reo, besides the hood and badging. Im just thinkin of saving a few pennies if the parts are basically the same

The kits are different, but they are similar enough if you want to crossbreed them. I mix match diamond reos, whites, and autocar kits all the time. They are different trucks, but not as different as a mack and a peterbilt.
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Hopefully a tractor!!!! :lol::lol::o

You could ask 100 different truck modelers & get 100 different answers. Everyone has there own personal favorites. I'd go with a Kenworth, myself; but I do like the idea of the Mack or even the Autocar.

Seriously though, Jim hit the nail into the drive tire on this one, (ok had to get one more joke in) but everyone has there own tastes and their tastes may or may not match your own.

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Ive even thought of makin a 5 or 6 axle truck out of it. But that went out the window once i got the super singles. I know the truck wont be stretched. I have another ca hauler, but i can always use an excuse to buy another kit.

Actually, I'm not sure if they are there in the older issues, but I know reissues I had from the late 80s or early 90s and beyond had score marks in the inside of the bed and appeared to me anyway to be an easy way to cut the bed down to mount on a truck frame.

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Actually you can see by some of the posted pics that kit is half of a Michigan gravel train. The parts for the tandem dolly are in the original release. Also included were the parts to make a dump bed for a tandem or triaxle dump truck then with a second kit you could build a trailer with dolly to pull behid the dump truck for what's called a short train. Of course MPC/Ertl meant for you to use the Dm 600/800 kits in front of it.

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The parts are in all of the releases, it was the instructions showing how to make the mods that weren't included. The MPC and Ertl releases showed how to make the mods, the AMT releases did not.



Forgot about that.

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