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Posts posted by DiscoRover007

  1. I personally strive to build my models to best of my ability and we all know how much time, work and effort can go into them. I would not trust a judge to handle my models. I do not personally care if he is a modeler himself because that doesn't say anything about his skill level or how I would like my models to be handled. I'm the same way with my real car. I pretty much do all of my own maintenance. I will not go to any jiffy lube or most mechanics.

    I've never entered a competition and I would not enter at the expense of ruining a model.The only person you have to prove to anything to is yourself. However if I do enter one I plan to take pictures in the assembly process and detailed interior photos. So perhaps it will not be necessary for the model to be touched.

  2. Nice. I use future for interior details and as a base for kosutte gin san powder. What do you do to keep dust off your bodies before spraying. You seem to handle your bodies pretty liberally while painting. Does your paint booth eliminate dust also? Are you misting water into the air before painting?

    When you clear coat bodies with future and then move on to painting black window trim. If you make a mistake, what do you use to remove the paint without hurting the future?

    Thanks! Great videos!

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