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Everything posted by Obivion

  1. Thanks. Oh yes, it's the first project with so many modifications. But i will survive... Only takes some time. Dennis
  2. Boxed frame is ready. On the left you see the new front piece which will hold the front axle later. The hole is for the starter engine which sticks out a bit too much Dennis
  3. After a dry fit the chassis seems too long. So i made it shorter again and placed the engine more to the rear. When the chassis is the correct length i will close in the U shaped chassis beams for more strength. Dennis
  4. This is how the separate parts come together in a dry fit. Almost ready for the paintjob. In the background you see the old) garage/barn doors I made for my future dio project. Dennis
  5. Finally tonight I found some time and I added two cm to the chassis to make some space for the bigger engine Dennis
  6. I hope to work on it this weekend. Dennis
  7. Did some more in the Allison engine. Tried to glue all parts together without connecting them to the engine. That makes it easier to paint them in the different colors, I suppose I have to make the chassis a bit longer, the starter engine sticks out out the front too much. I also have to try to make some extra wiring and plumbing. The second picture shows the difference in size between the old 6 cil. engine and the new V12 engine.
  8. As far as I know this V12 engine delivers 1000+ HP. Dennis
  9. I haven't done much lately. There was summer holiday and some jobs in and around the house that had to be done. Now the days get shorter and the nights get longer there is more time for building I started with buying a new airbrush, I can not wait to try it out. I removed all the chrome from the 1/24 Allison airplane engine which must replace the Original engine.I built up the basic engine and dryfitted it in the car. I think the combination works well Dennis
  10. I like to share this sneak peek with you. I wanted to show it yesterday, but unfortunately the rear axle was too far to the front and the rear wheels ended up half way the doors. So i placed the axle more to the rear and I must say that it looks good... Dennis
  11. Does someone know how to paint realistic worn, cracked and dirty leather? I tried to find it on YouTube but without result zo far... Dennis
  12. The work on the body stopped for a while. First I have to finish the chassis before I can make the final changes to the body. Here you see the front and rear axles. The front axle is finished, the rear one needs more work. In the mean time I painted parts of the interior in the base color (Revell 34). I want to weather the interior to make it look old and dirty. I never did something like that so I hope I get the result I am looking for. I made some holes in the seat, later the filling will pop out Today I received my Rolls Royce Allison engine (AMT). Thanks to jbwelda who offert me this kit for a reasonable price Attached photo is an example to how I hope it will look like after I built it. Dennis
  13. Found a little (too little) time to do some work again. I made the bulkhead, the original one doesn't fit in my ideas. Also made the front axle. I made it from the original RollsRoyce axle. The two original leaf springs were cut and glued together. I placed it on the axle to mount it on the front of the chassis using just one single leaf spring as you see often on hot rods. Well you Americans grow up with these kind of cars... What do you think...? Dennis
  14. I vote for something classic. Cream with pale lime green for exemple. Dennis
  15. Did some work on the taillights. After the glue has dried I will fill the gabs and sand it smooth. Dennis
  16. I love how it's coming together. Great looks, could have been a real car... Dennis
  17. I am still not sure about the rear light units. I like them made of coffeesticks, but also the are too big. Maybe this is better... I make lenses out of some clear sprue. Maybe flat, maybe bullit shaped.... Dennis
  18. Just one word: INSANE ?
  19. I planned to spray a basecoat today. But I remembered that I missed the rear lights. I found some coffeesticks and did a dryfit with some custom made rear lights... What do you think...? Dennis
  20. Finished the sides and the rear and filled and sanded down several times. Hope to spray the basecoat very soon. Dennis
  21. Great job. You inspired me and i bought a corvette and nomad kit to try it myself in the future. Dennis
  22. Great paintjob. Very original. Will follow this one. Dennis
  23. Yes i think i keep them open. I want to place the fueltank in the back. When i close the windows you can not see the fuel tank anymore. Dennis
  24. Today I did some more filling and sanding, and closed the rear wheel arches. The body needs some more detailing, but it has the basic form now. I can't choose if I shall close the rear windows or keep them open.... Dennis
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