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Sonny J.

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Posts posted by Sonny J.

  1. Välkommen Sonny! :) Skulle gärna se lite bilder på Porschen, jag gillar de äldre frontmotor Porscharna, funderar själv på en 944 :)

    Självklart kan du det! Kan lägga ut bilder imorgon nån gång, är det nått speciellt du vill se typ inredning, under huven eller bara bilen i helhet? :D

    Is it allowedto talk foreign languages on this forum for any reason? I don't want to be rude or disobey rules B)

  2. Wow such a support! I thought this would be a dull thing that wouldn't be appreciated at all :D . I'm going to go slow both to get it as good as possible and to not "burn myself out", if that makes any sense. Next update will be up tomorrow.

  3. Hello, this will be my first ever car model kit build so bear with me, I'm not expecting 100% success but I'm going to try at least. I thought it could be a neat project both to build and to document so I have something to look back to later since I'm suspecting, and hoping, that this is a hobby that i will keep doing for quite some time.

    I decided to start with a Revell Streetburner 1970 Plymouth Superbird. I'm going to build it box stock. Sorry guys and gals this might be a bit boring :(.


    I'm a big fan of Mopars and love to learn about them and study them so getting this model was quite obvious for me, of course i could had gone with a 69' Daytona but since the Suoerbird were built more for the aesthetics i thought this would be more suited for model building, i also bought a 71' Plymouth 'Cuda but that im not sure if I will post a topic about, depends on how this one goes and so on.

    Here's the parts in their bags:


    I forgot to take pictures of them outside the bags but they will be covered later in the build as i get to them :) .

    Appreciates all kinds of feedback.

    /Sonny J.

  4. Welcome to the forum. There have been 928 kits out though maybe not the best, but workable. I do all the 1:1 cars I have owned including 5 024/928's. Those at least have engines. I'll check what those 928 kits were if you haven't seen them.

    or, here's an ebay search on them http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_odkw=porsche+928+gts&_catref=1&_osacat=2580&_from=R40&_trksid=p2045573.m570.l1313.TR9.TRC2.A0.H1.Xporsche+928.TRS1&_nkw=porsche+928&_sacat=2580

    Yeah i have been searching for sometime for these, the thing is that i have a S model (the old chassi with front and rear spoilers) and on it i have the original phone dial rims. The model kits either have the spoilers OR the phone dial rims. Except one kit that is super rare and i can't remember the name of it. I might buy a 928 kit with the "S spoilers" and a 924 kit with the phone dial to kitbash, haven't decided yet :unsure:

    And thanks to you all for welcoming me! It's appreciated :D

  5. Hello, my name is Sonny I'm 18 years old and come from Sweden so English isn't my first language so you have to excuse me for making irritating spelling and/-or grammar mistakes, because i know i will make some.I you find some please tell me so i can fix it and hopefully learn something :) .

    So here's my story:

    I have just gotten into modelling for a second time, i used to make military vehicles and aircraft's as i a child but then my interest, and i guess my patience, ebbed out. Just recently i found a plane i had started 8 years ago and thought that i would finish it off once and for all and be done with it. That's not what happened, I were planing to just paint it and be done with it because i had glued everything "back then" and i was a kind of a gluebomb especially around the cockpit glass but the more time i spent the more i liked it, i started detailing it and before i was done i had added about 60-ish decals to it.

    As i got older my interest around cars escalated and at the age of 17 and years of saving up money i found myself with a Porsche 928 Sport from 1981 that were in desperate need of repair. I have now worked at it for about 1,5 years fixing and tidying it up. That cars is the biggest reason that my car interest skyrocketed so much that i started thinking about getting a model car of my real car and have in it the dash of my real car for display. But i didn't find any nice models of it so i started looking at other models and i were surprised at how many different model kits are around.

    Not long after i found my self on this forum reading about both incredibly detailed and simpler yet stunning build. I was hooked, from then it didn't take long for me to hit the store and buying me some paint, brushed an modelling knife, a Plymouth 'Cuda and a Plymouth Superbird. I will post a "on the workbench" topic on here about the Plymouth Superbird too.

    (I can add fotos of both the result of the gluebomb plane and my 1:1 scale car at request).

    / Sonny J.

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