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Posts posted by Slomoslam

  1. After all the amazing work you've done on this, I think you can handle plug wires.


    No doubt!!

    Actually I was thinking to myself "this guy has never done plug wires? Pfft, what a noob".

    You're killing it man, I really look forward to seeing these updates, keep it up!  

  2. I was hoping I wasn't going too far with my silliness. I youtube'd them in an attempt to educate myself, I completely missed the ball on these guys, they are a pretty cool band. I would go so far as to say they are the 2nd greatest band to ever come out of Canada that has Rush in their name.  Seriously, that guy shreds on guitar. 

  3. That's great to see guys jump in and help you out with your project, I would offer some advice but I can't get passed that picture. Is that Ralph Machio about to heat up a cylinder head with a cutting torch!? I'm not sure if this is an advertisement for a racing team or the cover of a Night Ranger album. 

    All kidding aside, this will be a cool build to watch, I love 80's prostock.

  4. I like it, especially the exhaust tubing, well done.  I've never cleared over bmf, and I've never seen anyone clear over the chrome on a 1:1, so there. It is possible that folks have cleared over chrome on a 1:1, and I'm just an uniformed jerk....very possible.

  5. Or another way to look at it is... free market capitalism at work.

    Some win. Some lose. No way around that. When the market is open to all comers, the big fish are going to swallow up the guppies. If you're not comfortable with that concept, then you're not comfortable with free market capitalism.

    Exactly. Way to hit the nail on the head.

  6. I'm a firm believer in free market capitalism; just not at the expense of the local small business owner, who is the backbone of our economy. Once small businesses are eradicated by these chains, there is no longer any choice. You are forced to buy from only these places because there is no other alternative.

    Homogenization and cookie cutter stores aren't my church. I like different. Vanilla sameness is frightening. That might be a concept that's embraced in tract housing communities in Culdesacia, USA. They love their mega-malls filled with generic sameness in the same way that cardboard covered with ketchup and shredded, pasteurized  process cheese is passed off as pizza in those same locales and nobody knows any better. 

    I don't know what the situation in Chicago is; but, my city has been transformed, and not in a good way, by the introduction of these big box stores. Midtown Manhattan has been turned into a dystopian mega-mall filled with nothing but crummy chain restaurants serving faux-Italian food and the previously mentioned box stores which have driven out local businesses because the landlords quadrupled rents in order to force them to close and bring in box stores, chain pharmacies and banks (one could find 3-4 of each on a single city block; and repeated on the next block ad nauseam). Only they are willing to pay $1 million/mo. for a space that until recently rented for $10K/mo. Times Square has been taken over by the evil Rat Empire and turned into a boring white bread-plain Disney Superstore. I preferred it when it was a seedy, somewhat dangerous area a la "Taxi Driver" where you can catch three third run Kung Fu flicks for two bucks, hit the penny arcades and grab a slice of real pizza afterwards.  


    Wow, you prefer your streets dangerous? Interesting.  Maybe Venezuela is more your speed?

  7. Wow, did you just wake up from a long coma?

    It's been many years since Walmart sold models.

    BTW... in case you hadn't heard yet... we landed a man on the moon a few years ago. :P

    Walmart sold models cars here in the KC area up until about a 6-8 months ago.  Who's been in the coma? And EVERYONE knows the moon landing was fake, same goes for 1 hour martinizing. :huh:

  8. Really good looking builds. The real general could pass for 1:1 at first glance. I have a question I'm new to this so please understand. I was in Hobby lobby the other day and noticed on the box art deleted the Confederate flag (PC goes just plain stupid sometimes). What I'm asking is would the kit still have the decal inside? Was wondering the same thing about nazi insignia on German aircraft as well. If you know, clue me in; like I said, I am totally new to the Hobby.


    I like the spin you put on the General.  As for the decals, they are in the box. And you hit it on the head with the PC movement, it's just a little out of control. There is another forum that won't let you post pictures of your General Lee build if the flag is showing, just when you think you've seen stupid at it's lowest, the bottom falls out.

  9. Very nice. Not to make this about me, but, I built one of these a few ago, and I've been wanting to build another but I haven't seen one in a store anywhere. Yours is so clean I'm really inspired now to get another. 

  10. Other than the awful feeling of leaving something undone, I'm not in any hurry to get a model done, so I will sometimes detail a kit way beyond what I might do on another kit. I look at it like an artist might look at a painting, sometimes it needs more, and sometimes less is more. I'm not a planner, so I will just let inspiration be my guide, and so often I end up with something completely different than I first envisioned. That may sound completely nutty to someone who has to have every step planned out. Are you OCD? Maybe. I'll see your OCD, and raise you a ADH...oh look something shiny...

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