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Everything posted by Cheveuxroux

  1. Thank you for the photos and advice! Beautiful work!
  2. I have positioned some support structures prior to printing thicker PLA unsupported material - for instance: tabs and the wire spokes would presumably not be at all at the same angle when positioned for printing, I am guessing that at least some spokes require support- however tenuous. A computer screen shot of the part as positioned for printing would be helpful, even there are no photos of the part as retrieved from the printer.
  3. Very nice! I've drawn an alloy wheel as part of a SolidWorks class; never considered a wire wheel. As I am just starting to experience how to position one of my own drawings and how a file is printed, I can't help but be curious how the software handles supporting those thin wheel wires. Are you able to post any photos of how the wheel appears as removed from the printer?
  4. Thanks to all for the warm welcome. The 3D forum provides a great deal of inspiration due to the number of samples showing what can be done with various software packages.
  5. I have been away from model building for decades but my recent interest in buying a resin printer directed me to the 3D printing part of your forum. While I have vehicle model kits in storage, most of my builds were aircraft and armor. For now, I am re-learning SolidWorks by drawing various small projects using computers at a local school. I've been in touch with local SolidWorks sales reps regarding cost of the software and a new laptop set up to run SolidWorks, but am searching for far less extravagant alternatives and recently installed a student version of Fusion 360 on my desktop for practice. I will mostly be visiting the forum to learn more about printers, software and vehicle modeling techniques as I don't expect to be able to build a model for some time.
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