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Posts posted by jas1957

  1. All this talk about daughters and nieces painting their cars pink.... Haven't you seen the Mustang commercial with the girl looking at a Mustang drive by and in her mind it changes from pink to black? :D Just cause she's a girl doesn't mean everything's Barbie's and ponies!

    For my 17 year old daughter anything that is pink or purple is good. As for advice two things, keep your hands & work area clean, take your time don't try to build it in a night. You will have a lifetime of fun, I know I have !

  2. Thank you for the replies. It has been an interesting conversation.

    As a side note, I spent many years in the printing business, and while I never worked with box printing, I think most of us would be surprised to know how expensive the art, graphic design, set up, plates, and four color printing is for boxes.

    I can remember back in the late '80s early '90s talking to people from AMT/Ertl & being told the most expensive part of a kit was the packaging. That was a real surprise at the time.

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