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Posts posted by 09WNS/14BRK

  1. wow, i feel dumb for not realizing ferrari had flat 12's in some of their cars. that alone has lead me to want to build this kit, not to mention your hard work. i decided against it for so long cause it was "Miami Vice Version" and Vice was before my generation, so i assumed big rims, and almost a donk ferrari. i might replace the wheels, cause those would go awesome on my 240z.

    yeah engine is not bad goe together well too

    thanks i have had to redo a fe parts so it set me back

    and i stoped doing my models cause of the stress

    the pic on the box does noet sell the kit but when you see one done (or getting done)

    you think about doing it

    i do not like the rims i am hoping to change them

    i have some spare ones but not sure if they will suit it??

  2. Why 3 mirrors? Very simple and I'll tell you why, and I hope before you start glueing theme on.

    The Testarossa used in the TV show Miami Vice, as that kit is built for, had only one mirror that was mounted up higher on the A-pilar than the normal pair of mirrors. The pair of mirrors should be identical to each other and they fit at the corner of the window frame where most mirror's are located. If you look really carefully, particularly the instructions should provide this info, one mirror will look odd. If so, that odd mirror will be the single mirror that is placed mid-way up the A-pilar as it did in the TV show.

    I must admit, I've never seen this kit before and never worked on one so I can't honestly be sure if all three mirrors are identical or if there is one odd one. Just my assumption. Just take a hard look at all three mirrors to be sure.

    you are correct mate

    2 the same left n right

    and a bit bigger one as you said for the middle ish of the A-pilar

  3. Looks great!

    ..... but I think the color coordinated clothespin is getting way too obsessive!! :P :P :D

    i use what ever pegs i can get my hands on mate

    just luck it was yellow

    but yeah it is getting there hope to have it done ASAIC (as soon as i can)

  4. many thanks for all the other skyline pics in a R31 skyline build guys

    maybe i should not bother building if ppl talk about other stuff in ppl's builds

    if it was a any skyline talk i would not care

    i might post a for sale add for all my models?

    please stick to my build or do not post at all please

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