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Posts posted by 09WNS/14BRK

  1. many thanks ajuila

    i should be finished this by now

    but i stoped for too long

    and now have too many to do at once

    but there is not much more to be done

    i tried to match the colours on the box

    i did as good as i could

    a few things could of bee fixed like the gap in the seat for one

    but it is a old build and almost done no going back now

  2. no i am not putting the flames on the yellow one

    as i traded them for ghost buster parts

    and yes they look better on the purplish colour

    most of my older builds are box builds to the box colour n all

    but now i only do that if they look great on the box

  3. Looking good so far. Sounds like his choice of colors are good ones. How is this kit going together so far? Any problems in the build? I have looked at getting this kit for a while but I know nothing about it. Keep up the good work. I'm sure your step son will enjoy it.


    many thanks Modlbldr

    he picked the colours

    kit is ok not 100% the best

    there is this space on the front bumper


    but yeah it is a good kit

    he liked supra back then so i said i would build it how he wanted if i could :lol:

    no major mods hora :lol:

    yeah will try to keep up good work mate

    dooing better then my older builds i can tell you that

    hope he will like it when finished

  4. I really would like to help you here, and it pains me to not offer loads of possible color combinations, BUT ...

    I don't respond well to messages containing the word PINK!

    hey mate the pink was a joke as i said


    come on ppl there has to be some ideas out the

    i guess i will just do it white then?

  5. ok i started this for my stepson for his 12th birthday in August 2006

    but had not finished it yet as we did not have cash for paint

    so it has been a longer build but he has not been worried he knows it will be done

    named it 1995 Toyota Supra #1a because i have the same kit

    but i will be building mine like the movie car (like the box)

    ok more about this build

    started 26th June 2006

    planed to be finished by 4th August 2006 (but not complete yet)

    i let him pick the colours he wanted it


    silver = outside (with the decals on it)

    blue = inside, engine

    black = underneath

    silver n black = the wing (like the box)











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