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Everything posted by AlanNZ

  1. I betcha wish the 1:1 was proceeding at the same pace....
  2. Following this thread is becoming a bit of an obsession.
  3. Wicked colour! I think Ford had a similar colour here in the early '70s called something like "Wild Cherry"
  4. Where can I get some of those MR Model wheel sets? Nothing like that available in this neck of the woods that's for sure....
  5. Whoa!!! Those coilovers are amazing! Nice stuff aftashox. This I'm gonna follow closely. I feel I'm gonna learn a whole lotta stuff. Cheers!
  6. Ex MIL? Jeez Khart, seems a bit severe, getting rid of the cook just 'coz her mother broke one of your models...
  7. Jeez, Brett, you don't muck around do you?? What's that, like 3 days go to whoa? Looks good in the black and gold too!
  8. I know I just turned this thread into a zombie but..... Hey Gregg, I think I seen your stick. It was just south of east cape! Nah, just joking. Shame about your stick. A genuine Lopez shaped Lighting Bolt would be a huge loss. Hope you got back in the surf eventually. Once a surfer, always a surfer. Kia Kaha!
  9. @ Sweptline, Oh I agree totally. Couldn't give a fat rats where I finish, I only entered 'coz I think it will be both a bit of fun and a challenge. In fact the only other competition I've ever entered was a surfing comp many years ago. Got whupped by a guy who went on to become National Junior champ 2 years running. So my record can only get better....
  10. Pontiac LeMans???? Trust me, you wouldn't want one of those if you lived here. A re badged Opel Vectra (where's the vomit emoticon)
  11. Jeez, that bar is so high I don't think I can even see it from down here....
  12. Progress has been rather slow of late. Waiting for paint to dry is none too exciteing. Masked and first coat new rear bumper masking off, just a bit of work to do in the engine bay to tidy up I thought the mask around the tail lights would never come off, but it turned out ok. Since those photos were taken I've applied the GTO decals and painted the tail lights with Tamiya Clear red and I think they've come out pretty good. BUT, last night I gave it a coat of clear after cutting the paint and it has gone all motley. Must've been something in the cutting compound I'm guessing. So now I'll have to wait for it to cure enough to sand out......
  13. OK, thanks Fletch. I'm in with the '29 Stakebed. Ironically, it's probably easier to find the real thing here than a Revell model kit... Ahh well, I got a year.
  14. Dave, Ahhh, yeahhh. How does it work? I'm still a bit newbie..... I'm guessing the biggest problem for me would be getting hold of whatever kit I drew.
  15. This looks cool! Shame I'm on the other side of the world. Just an observation Jairus, you're gonna have your hands full responding to 50 odd JWAC WIP threads. Better get those typing fingers limbered up....
  16. AlanNZ

    70 cuda

    Looks nice Brett, I like the green. I'm not much of a green person but that looks nice.
  17. ^^^^ HaHaHaHa, Actually Junkman the whole southern hemishere is up the other way. Anyways, Tested the bumper for fit Gave the rear bumper a coat of paint and attached it to the body. It will need a bit of sanding / filling to match up properly. So, first pass on the putty
  18. Oh, and thanks for the encouragement guys, much appreciated!
  19. Hmmm, A bit of a setback last night. Knocked a can of screws off a shelf which fell down and hit the base the pontiac was sitting on which launched it off onto the air compressor and then on to the concrete floor. It wasn't the fall that damaged it, it was the sudden stop at the end.... and this
  20. I'm not sure if I read it on this forum or not, but one method which sounded really good was to use a old wheel and attach it to a steel axle. Then mount the tyre (tire for you yanks ) Place the axle in an electric drill and set it running slowly. While the wheel and tyre setup is spinning mark the side with a whitewall touch up marker you can buy from auto accessory shops. Haven't tried it myself, so I can't vouch for it. But it sounded like it would work well.
  21. Jeez, this really gives me something to aspire to!
  22. Another couple of coats. The colour has deepened considerably. Masked out the window frame. I wanted it to look like brushed Aluminium. But it just looks like silver paint.... Ahh well! Masked out engine bay and painted it satin black.
  23. Removed the rear bumper from the box only to discover it was all scratched up. Tried to sand it back and coat it with some "Chrome" spray paint, but it came up looking really bad. So I've decided to colour code the bumper. Not sure how this will look, but there's no going back now....
  24. Thanks for the encouragement guys! Here's the Chassis / interior tub. All OOB by my son a few years back.. And Engine I'm thinking maybe I should detail it or just leave it be? (and not ruin it) Oops, mental note to self, add photos links before posting
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