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Posts posted by Nova-ss

  1. I don't know where to ask this question.I recieved a MPC 1976 Fodge pickup full bed.Its was built once.its missing,grill,dtive train,wheels tires,engine,all suspension and transfer case..a few othet parts.my question is,does someone have the axles and leaf springs,front and rear for sale or in resin?

    And what are the differences in the 73-76 and after to 78?

    can I use parts from the Amt/ertl 1978 lil red express pickup for rear springs and rear axle and othet parts.

    thank you for any snd sll help......Chris 

  2. Well...I guess I'm middle of the road builder...not a collecter,but as been said...everything is going to be built or its parts for a build.I'm not a rivet counter,but I reseach and want it right.I'm a slow builder...I'm in no hurry.I don't post a whole lot cause I'm building.I've learned so much from builders here and the old (MTDG) on yahoo and I don't hold other builders to any standard,I guess thats why I like shows over contests.

    I love seeing others work,creativity, and thought in the subjects.

    I love it to look real and play its part.work trucks is what I'm into and it has to work.I scratch build all the time...so detail is a big part for me.I build snap kits just to see what I can make of it with whats there.

    Rebuilding models is a blast to me.try to make it what I see it could be.I let the model lead me in construction. 

    Scale modeling has to be challenging. from reseach,plans and construction. ..its all a blast to me...over all modeling has to be fun...other wise...why do it............thats me,.......Chris 


  3. hi all,

    Question on building trailer axles.awhile back I boight a trailer that someone was trying to mod.it was once a Revell race car trailer.tge one that is red on the box top.I cutoff all of the added parts and put a new trailer hitch on it.the axles were broken to the point that they were not safe able,so was the springs..but I know how to make new springs...that I have done.but I'm still trying to make replacement axles.its the lowered axles at the spindle ends that I'm having a difficult time with...any suggestions on how to make them?,where to get replacement rims from?...thank you....Chris 

  4. Thanks Jeff, Harry, and the rest of you for your feedback on this review.   Makes me want to continue to do this on selected kits that I think will have broad appeal to the MCM Forum members..TIM

    again Tim thank you so much.you do an amazing work on showing us the kits and explaining differences between kits and all tge possibilties.you take the time to make it underable for me.if it was not for you there would be many kits not boughten.and many projects for me and many others...thank you so much Tim..........Chris

  5. Why do I have to Choose? Why can't I build all three? Or just whichever one(s) I happen to personally prefer?

    This is America, still a somewhat free nation. I don't like being pushed into arbitrary "this or that" choices and I push back on them whenever possible.


  6. The front fenders, hood, grille and bumper, and the dash and depending on the option that's duplicated the seats might be different.

    does it have the racing front seats and the same mirrors,rad,front core support,firewall,rear axle and 4 popper...I want a couple for parts and a couple to build.but the parts are more important to me.and has anyone seen them at hobby lobby yet?....thanks....Chris

  7. thanks Gary..I will beware.sofar mine are great.I alway scribe deeper anyways.maybe recall Moebius and talk with someone else.maybe he doesn't know. ...hope you can get a solution to this or the parts needed or a new kit to start from.I don't have a belvedere so can't say.I do have a satellite though.its getting built now.I have to fix the rear springs and rearaxle..couldn't live with the top missing,but thats me..sides I'm adding traction bars to it and a few other performance parts in the back......Chris 

  8. Thank you and very interesting info.I'm building the police version....without being the police ...just stock looking and it will be blk.going to change the ride height and wheels and tires.going to add frame hitch and different spare tire.one problem I haven't solved is the roof like rack bars.. the...police version don't have them.also one other thing being changed is the exhaust pipe from the rearend is going to be k&s aluminum tubing.I've got the rearend pretty much dune still looking for rims and tires,but may have the tires solved.thats my project with this kit...anyone else doing anything with this kit?......Chris 

  9. I don't have and have never had amt's 40 ford kit.only monogram and revell and the monogram is the pickup.I have friend that spent along while fixing hood and front fender problems. ..he wasn't very happy with the amount of effort to fix kit problems. so the revell is the newest kit as opposed to the amt.the art work on the amt sure is beautiful though. thats all I know about it.good luck......Chris 

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