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jeff ewaskey

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Posts posted by jeff ewaskey

  1. I can sympathize with you Rich. I too have been in a slump for quite a long time. The issue with myself is being overwhelmed by all the things going on in my life. I too do the same things as you trying to gain some inspiration but to no avail. It always seems that when I think about building something, I think of a half dozen other things that i could or should do then end up doing nothing at all.

  2. Can't go wrong with good old Chevy rally wheels, especially with the small caps. They look great on your Impala. Always loved this body style and your build is a fine replica. Nice job.

  3. Wow that is really tough. I am so sorry for your loss. I once had a dog, Sammy, and had to have her put down in 1998 as she had an incurable nerve disorder. I still have her photo on my fridge some 14 years and 2 wives later. Got her when she was only 5 weeks old and she was awesome for close to 13 years. Letting her go was one of the hardest things I ever had to do. She was all I had through my first divorce and was always a bright spot in my life. Its really tough I am sure but it will get better my friend. I have a new furry little buddy in my life now and he is as loyal as any dog could ever be. I think what many don't realize is how much there is to be learned about how we treat others, from out canine and feline friends. Take care and God speed to your obviously wonderful dog. My prayers are with you.

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