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1:1 On the farm, Seed wheat cleaning

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With my "On the farm" model truck build nearly complete. I thought I would share some other farm related things. Here is a video cleaning seed wheat in preparation for drilling (planting). Not all farms do this step but it is necessary for increased yields and a more quality crop come harvest time. There are many different types and sizes of cleaners, this one is designed around a mid-sized farm like ours. This video I made explains it more, plus pictures! One could argue that this is the first step in how bread is made. This one is made by Clipper.



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Thanks for posting this and I also check some of you other farmin' vids....I love "Corn Harvest in Nebraska"....I love anything to do with farming,I have pulled over to the side of the road to just watch the combine or a tractor at work...I missed my calling............."Praise and thanks to the Farmer"

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Thanks for posting this and I also check some of you other farmin' vids....I love "Corn Harvest in Nebraska"....I love anything to do with farming,I have pulled over to the side of the road to just watch the combine or a tractor at work...I missed my calling............."Praise and thanks to the Farmer"

After the cleaning the wheat is ready to go into the ground. And here is how that happens.

Edited by thejunkman
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That vid has some of the best shots ever of the workings of farming implements.....great youtube page you have also.

I am always adding more video and other stuff to my site as well. Keep watching I got more coming. I have some of my first videos over on my website that have commentary on them (they are not on Youtube) that you might like.

My original "Farming in Nebraska" video, I shot all of this when I was 13 (about 1991) or so, some on 8mm film, lol Later in 2006 I was able to edit it digitally after I transferred it to DV tape.

Here is "Farming in Nebraska 2" a 20 year follow up. almost all of this was shot digitally in 2008

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Caught "Farming in Nebraska 2" last night on your page....you got some better programs than RFDtv line up!!!

The original has the commentary and will explain a log more, plus has footage of older equipment. RFDtv is all equestrian stuff now, which is fine if that is all you are into, but it is lacking in other "AG related" programing.

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