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Making a part fit snug (Ferrari 126 C2 Fujimi)

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I'm in the middle of building Fujimi's Ferrari 126 C2 1/20 scale model. I'm near the end of the build, but I've run into a problem with the engine cover fitting snug.

It's leaving a gap. When I had done a dry fit, it was fitting snug in the slots, now it won't even do that. I'm at a loss with how to get the fit short of using CA glue and sealing it shut for good. I would like to be able to remove the cover to see the inside details. I tried adding some Tamiya putty to the catch areas to see if building it up might allow for a snug fit, but that hasn't been going as well as I liked. I've attached some pictures of the tab on the engine cover and slot it needs to catch into. Towards the front there is no catch per say other than the edge of the radiator. Anyone have any ideas on what to do?






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Is there something causing interference with the underside of the cover? If it fit fine before, that might be the problem now. Maybe start by looking at parts that were added since you did the test fitting to make sure they aren't hitting the cover and not allowing it to sit down all the way.

Trying to snug up the fits is a good idea, but that's probably going to be tough to get to work well. Could you maybe fit some small magnets to help keep it in place?

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To me, it looks as though this ( see pic ) would be the problem, is there any chance to remove it & see what the fit is like then ? .... I wouldn't try & alter anything, if it fit before; if it turns out that it is this engine part that is the problem, try just placing it where it should go, and try the fit, put the cover on - if it goes on ok, carefully lift the cover to see if maybe that part should be at a slightly different angle / position; or maybe a little bit of material needs to be sanded on the inside of the cover


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Ok, thanks guys, I'll try Rick's suggestion first since I don't have any clay around here at the moment.

It might be what Rick mentions Don, I was trying to look through the opening from the rear to see if there was something that I was missing with those parts on the side, but I couldn't pick up on anything....however it might be just a small enough bit of contact that's causing the problems.

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Is there something causing interference with the underside of the cover? If it fit fine before, that might be the problem now. Maybe start by looking at parts that were added since you did the test fitting to make sure they aren't hitting the cover and not allowing it to sit down all the way.

Trying to snug up the fits is a good idea, but that's probably going to be tough to get to work well. Could you maybe fit some small magnets to help keep it in place?

Magnets might be a good idea, hadn't thought of that, thanks!

@Rick, in that picture, on the left side of the area you circled, there are two parts that are black, I took them out real quick because the other part I can't do anything with right at the moment, I used CA glue to keep them in place. The fit is better now on one side, but the right side simply isn't catching. I think there is an issue with the cover itself from the molding process that I didn't pick up on. I don't think there's a whole heck of a lot I'm going to be able to do if that is the case. I added some more putty to the slot just to see if maybe a build up in there might force it to catch. I'll see when it dries.

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Magnets might be a good idea, hadn't thought of that, thanks!

@Rick, in that picture, on the left side of the area you circled, there are two parts that are black, I took them out real quick because the other part I can't do anything with right at the moment, I used CA glue to keep them in place. The fit is better now on one side, but the right side simply isn't catching. I think there is an issue with the cover itself from the molding process that I didn't pick up on. I don't think there's a whole heck of a lot I'm going to be able to do if that is the case. I added some more putty to the slot just to see if maybe a build up in there might force it to catch. I'll see when it dries.

If you don't mind adding a non-stock item, this may be another thing to consider ? ( or something along these lines - either hood pins, or some type of exterior fastener )


Edited by Krazy Rick
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