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1966 shelby GT350H


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Hey guys it turns out the charger had absolutely no parts so im doing this mustang






Putting some sway bars in now then the front shocks



I don't know if you can see it or not but im doing a rust affect here and there on the car

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Dude, I know you're only 13, but you need a better camera. It looks good from what I can see but the pics are way out of focus. You can get decent cameras at a pretty good price. I know how hard money can be to come by at your age (I'm 17) but you will be thankful when you do.

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Ok, got a little rust going on the radiator wall




OK so i painted the radiator itself, the grille on the radiator is flat black and the frame on the radiator is gloss black, once again i smeared it with a paper towel to make it look used and old




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Sorry for the loss of your beloved pet, it's not apparent to some people that our pets are just as much family to us as the two legged ones, in some cases a lot better. Hope you can remember the fun times, it'll help you get through the loss.

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well that rear piece sticks out due to the extra strip of plastic i had to put in to make the trunk, so I am going to sand it a little bit, paint it flat black, then rust it to cover up my horrible jobarrow-10x10.png




Oky Doky I got the body work done tell me if you can see the difference




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You can't really see it but the stripes are faded out and there, also decided to do a rust job on it, notice the difference?








wanna know the secret to rusting a model car? Well you simply paint the car the same body color and while it's still wet you sprinkle some GROUND CINNAMON on it and let dry, now you will have a rust bucket ready for showing off!

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