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Another Future???

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hey all. been reading about the uses for future whice i will be buying this weekand. but anyway i was wondering i use eurosoft evercoat as a putty for my models and it is a lite blue color. somtimes the primer will not entirely cover the blue do you think the future would act as a barrier first and then prime over the future?? might give better results?? just a thought also i have heard the tamiya compounds work well to polish the future just thought i would pass it along thanks

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Yes, the Future won't hurt the putty since it's what I do when doing bodywork.

I have to ask though.........What kind of primer are you using that the pigments aren't tight enough to cover the putty?? :rolleyes:

I use acrylic enamel/lacquer primers and I've never had that problem.

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Okay..............could be you're putting too heavy a coat on and the solvents in the paint are causing this. I use an airbrush for painting bodies, so this may be the difference.

Yes, give the Future a try-------you could airbrush it on, or use a foam brush to apply it. I generally wait overnight or so before I'll start to paint over it.

Some guys don't like this paint, but I've even used Krylon Sandable Primer over putty and it covers excellent! The pigments are very tight and have never had a problem with covering over light blue putty.

Here's a couple pics of bodywork I've done with the current model I'm working on..............the putty I've used is Dynatron Putty-Cote (a Bondo product) and the primer is Krylon on this example. I don't remember using Future in this particular case before primering the bodywork, but did use an airbrush painting it.



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Since you guys are on the topic of future. Ill put this question on here. I recently started using future on my models, with excelent results. Until my last model. I got my first set of airbrushes recently and decided to spray the future on insteadof brushing...Im still experimenting with the airbrushes. Well, the body looks great, but the clear window parts got really cloudy. So, my question is...what did I do wrong, and how do I fix it without (hopefully) disassembling the body or ruining the clear parts. Also, whats this about polishing the future? What do I use?

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I have to take that the Future is fully dry so I don't know why the windows are cloudy. It's a good idea to clearcoat before anything is attached (ie: windows) but Future can be stripped using ammonia.

You'll have to work carefully around the bodywork as you don't want it to run on your paint............a Q-Tip would be good for this. You can then polish the glass with polish such as Novus or what I use------Meguiars Car Cleaner Wax.

I've never rubbed out and polished the Future itself as I use it strictly for a barrier, so I can't answer to how well it'll do. :blink: Future dries very thin so I wouldn't try to rub it out too much however.

It can't hurt to experiment on a scrap body........in fact I strongly recommend that whenever you're trying a new technique so there's no surprises later. :blink:

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