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DANGIT!!! your right on everything ;)

round two,


Let's see, here in the States that would be a 1980's Mazda 323 Sedan, with a Ford badge added(Kin to our Ford Escort Sedan/Hatches), but over in Europe it was refered to as a Ford Tonic and a Sao Penza, and in Asia-Pacific & South Africa it was called a Ford Laser Sedan :angry: :angry: Sorry for the draw out, Mazda Ford's are fun!

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Last one is an Aston Martin DB2. Produced from 1950 to 1953.

As far as i know there were no upgrades visually on them during the three years so i can't narrow it down any more.

Oh, and i belive that Dragon7665 is wrong on the previous one. The car is a Ford Orion, and has nothing to do with Mazda.

The Orion was also sold in Brazil under the name Ford Verona.

I'll let someone else have my turn. Just found this forum. Have too much to read. Have fun! :D

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This is the car that succeeded the revolutionary Citroen DS, aka la déesse "the goddess". I believe they chose the CX name for it's aerodynamic "coeffiecient of drag" reference. Citroens could be considered like an early Lexus; they rode like a cloud, were nearly silent going down the road, and were supremely comfortable. Family friends drove a '72 DS, and I always loved riding in that weird car that looked like a cockroach on wheels!

My dad had a '75 Citroen D Super, and yeah, you can't find a more comfortable car than that! The downside was that the dang thing was extremely complicated and difficult to work on. How about load compensating suspension and load compensating headlights on the same car? The hydraulic suspension system will automatically raise the rear if you load a lot of heavy stuff in the trunk, but for unknown reasons they decided to also include a system that would automatically adjust the headlights in case you managed to load it down anyway. And changing the windshield washer pump required the removal of either the hydraulic pump or the front fender. I ended up putting a new pump somewhere else, as I just couldn't get the old one out of there... :blink:

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My dad had a '75 Citroen D Super, and yeah, you can't find a more comfortable car than that! The downside was that the dang thing was extremely complicated and difficult to work on. How about load compensating suspension and load compensating headlights on the same car? The hydraulic suspension system will automatically raise the rear if you load a lot of heavy stuff in the trunk, but for unknown reasons they decided to also include a system that would automatically adjust the headlights in case you managed to load it down anyway. And changing the windshield washer pump required the removal of either the hydraulic pump or the front fender. I ended up putting a new pump somewhere else, as I just couldn't get the old one out of there... :mellow:

yup pretty much the way I remember it. super complex suspension with super long susp. arms is what gave it the ride.

An XJ6 or 12 was a distant second.

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hey nick.

the top one is a 1972 clan crusader 875cc coupe. based on a mini.

the black and white one i am still working on. it looks like a prototype for some sort of lotus elan sedan; however, the badge does not look right. i will keep looking into it.


how about this rare little racer?

I believe that would be a Kurtis sports racer, It's American :mellow:

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Guest zebm1

Found an interesting joke on tha Web today.......

Five Germans in an Audi Quattro arrive at the Italian border.

The Italian Customs agent stops them and tells them: "It's illegal to put 5 people in a Quattro."

"Vot do you mean it's illegal?", asks the German driver.

"Quattro means-a four", replies the Italian official.

"Qvattro is just ze name of ze automobile" the Germans retort unbelievingly "Look at ze papers: zis car is designt to kerry 5 persons."

"You can't-a pull-a that-a one on-a me!", replies the Italian customs agent, "Quattro means-a four. You have-a five-a people in-a your car and you are therefore-a breaking the law."

The German driver replies angrily, "You idiot! Call your zupervisor over - I vant to speak to somevone viz more intelligence!"

"Sorry" responds the Italian official, "He can't-a come. He's-a busy talking to two guys in a Fiat Uno."

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Found an interesting joke on tha Web today.......

Five Germans in an Audi Quattro arrive at the Italian border.

The Italian Customs agent stops them and tells them: "It's illegal to put 5 people in a Quattro."

"Vot do you mean it's illegal?", asks the German driver.

"Quattro means-a four", replies the Italian official.

"Qvattro is just ze name of ze automobile" the Germans retort unbelievingly "Look at ze papers: zis car is designt to kerry 5 persons."

"You can't-a pull-a that-a one on-a me!", replies the Italian customs agent, "Quattro means-a four. You have-a five-a people in-a your car and you are therefore-a breaking the law."

The German driver replies angrily, "You idiot! Call your zupervisor over - I vant to speak to somevone viz more intelligence!"

"Sorry" responds the Italian official, "He can't-a come. He's-a busy talking to two guys in a Fiat Uno."

Those Germans should have taken their Mazda 6! :D ( I know! It's not in italian. To be safe everyone should drive cinqecentos!!)


Edited by Modelmartin
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A German businessman has to travel to Paris to meet a client. Upon landing at Orly, he's greeted by a French customs agent. After asking the gentleman's name and citizenship, the officer asks, "Occupation'?

"No", responds the German, "I'm just here on business."

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