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I Might Be In For A Rude Awakening

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2 weeks ago we had a weightling comp at school. just do as much as you can. while doing parallel squat i felt something wierd in my back.of course i was also trying to beat the school record of 560 but fell short 10 pounds. i will break the record by the end of school. back to what i was saying. the feeling never bothered me and quickly went away. the pain came back this week and tuesday it hurt to sit or stand. im going to a physical therapist this week( who is also my footbal coach) to see what he has to say about it. hopefully everything is ok and i wont have to have anything done. just thought i would let anyone know whats going on. wish me luck

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:lol: Ball, I'm just an ol fart an Ive never even tried to lift that much weight,(to my knowledge). But when I did hurt my back a few years ago ,My wife,bless her heart,read upon it and got me an inversion lounger.It's just a bed type thing you lay on and it allows you to rotate 180degrees(hang upside down) I tell ya kiddo,It works for me!I'm able to do all sortsa things again.Go up an down stairs with no problems ,bend over ,Even skip rope .Dont take ANY chances with your back or spine! your WAY TOO YOUNG to haf to have back problems.You got your whole life ahead of you TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF! Do well by yourself now so you dont have to suffer later. Just some ol farts advice.
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Now it takes that much energy just to git outta BED !!!.......Steve Zimmerman

Man I know that feeling, I may be only 24 years old, but being in the military wil add years onto your actual age. Alll the guys on here that were in the military will vouche for me.

Everything pops when I get out of bed. I got 2 weak ankles, 2 messed up shoulders, and 1 of them is bothering me as we speak.

But yeah the back is the most important, it is the core of your body, take care of it.

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Guest Davkin

That school record isn't worth ruining your back man! Seriously, you don't want a screwed up back the rest of your life. Back problems make life miserable. Any kind of "maxing" weight lifting wreaks all kinds of havoc on your body. Take it from someone that's been there and seen what it's done to his friends. Abuse your body when you're young and you'll regret if more and more the older you get.


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I was in a car accident when I was 16, 59 years ago. Seemed to recover for several years. About 10 years ago it started going downhill. No more golf, constant pain, and barely able to get up and down stairs. $20,000.00 operation didn't help. Bottom line, if you want to lift 500 lbs, do it one 16oz can at a time. I thought that I was superman when I was young also. Guess what? Not. Protect your back. Your gonna need it for a long time. :lol:

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ballpoteau, let me give ya some advice, get your back checked out by a doctor.When I was in high school I did the whole weightlifting thing. Heavy squats ,deadlifts, bench, etc, the works. I wish I knew what my highest squat weight was. We didn't have enough weight to go around for everyone when they were lifting heavy. In my Junior year,I did 2 squats with 450 on the bar and 2 guys draped over the bar. A very heavy lift.On the third I felt something pop and we all hit the floor. I'm payin for it now. My back goes out about every 3-4 months or so. I'm only 32. Don't make the same mistake I did. Mageckman

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yo bro i know what ur sayin

i was i high school last year

i was tryin to impress some ladies with liftin 350lbs the most i lifted previously was 250lbs

anyway it was going good till snap want the knees i fell down and pop went the back i couldnt stand nor feel my feet

holy sh@t went my brain whats going on

lucky i was one of the girls was a nurse in practice she told me not to move or she'll kill me personally

now of days being only 19 yrs old i still feel the pain on cold days and bad days

lucky me i cought the girl but it wasnt worth it on bit

hopefully this stupidity wont affect me in the future ive got alot of plans and i dont want to fall short on any of them

take it from me b4 u do somethin S.T.T.A. stop think then act

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  • 2 weeks later...

i found out what was wrong with my back. i was told it was a vertabral compression fracture. in other words a cracked vertabra. im not supposed to squat for 6 to 8 weeks. it will heal itself. i am getting around alot better than when it started.

Edited by ballpoteau
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Glad to hear that you're doing better. Unlike my friend Curt, I don't have any spare models in my collection that are in line with your interests. Sorry.

Get some rest and take care of your back. You're way too young to have those kinds of problems!!

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:lol: Ball,I'm all with my bud Raul,Glad to hear your doin/feelin better.Remember just cuz that vertibre heals up,doesnt mean it cant crack again,be careful take it easy,make sure every things cool with your back before you start gettin crazy with the weights an stuff.you may be a young guy, but you aint Superman! take it easy!
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Glad to hear that you're doing better. Unlike my friend Curt, I don't have any spare models in my collection that are in line with your interests. Sorry.

Get some rest and take care of your back. You're way too young to have those kinds of problems!!

thats ok about the models. im just glad everything is ok with me. and thanks for the support. and thank you too george

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yo homie u got LUCKY

hopefully u learned from ur mistake and hopefully ull never think with ur ego and think with ur brain

just cuz u dodged the bullit this time dosent mean ull dodge it next time

sorry for sounding like a hard ass but its the truth

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